Saturday, April 30, 2011

todays dinner?

ok saya bosan!
damn bored...
teeettt dun have mood for that.
tgk movie?
done that. i just watch BOUNTY HUNTER...a few min ago.
sweet n funny~
hmm done that too.
i noe one thing,, im super hungry!!!!!!!!
but then what to eat???
ouh my, i am super lazy right now.grrr
superman can u please fly here~~~~ along the way, please please grab me a bowl of pasta! and a slice of cake would be nice.. :) ~~~ wink2  ;)

ok. fairytales!haha
back to real life.
im still hungry,
and for your info, my dinner last night was~~~~~

ok. the pic might look small but actually its big!
im not sure how mL is that cup of yogurt but im full just by eating half of the cup!
hahaha i thought im gonna finished it all but stomach is full.heee~ and its yummy! love yogurt!! :)

p/s: but what to eat tonight????? :(