Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Tale Of Two Tigresses

Tale 1
The jungle was calm and steady,
The silence roared.
The weather was misty,
The heavy air howled.

Ruffling were the leaves, 
For they didn't fear for their life.
Rest all who loved her dearest, 
Dared not even to meet her eye. 

A few scattered, 
The rest passed into hiding. 
Was she someone to be feared,
To cause such shrouding?

Out of the shadow, 
She walked out majestically.
The vision was narrow,
They admired her generously.  

She wasn't looking for a beast, 
Needing only a little saunter. 
 They thanked God that they didn't become a feast,
Of a royal tigress imperial. 

Photo Courtesy -  Tigers of Bandhavgarh

Tale 2

The jungle was noisy, 
Not even a hint of calm.
She walked in softly, 
And I almost sang a psalm. 

Supreme grace,
Amazing poise.
A bright face, 
And brash eyes. 

She caught my attention, 
Putting a magnet to shame. 
She made clear her intention, 
She was looking for a game.

Her eyes caught mine, 
My heart quivered. 
Was she looking for a dine, 
Or love unwavered.  

The world seemed to halt, 
She sized up her chances. 
What would she do next, 
I was clueless. 

Should I become her prey, 
Leaving aside my pride. 
The thoughts colored my mind grey, 
And I failed to hide. 

She walked towards me, 
I gasped my breath. 
And as she walked past me, 
I heaved a sigh of relief. 

She was a smasher,
With her eyes blazing.
A stunner and a ravisher,
She was an urban tigress dazzling.