Saturday, April 9, 2011

The three things in life that a girl needs..

1. To pick up this book, we'd all save ourselves a lot of drama/hurting! Its short and sweet but to the point.

" If a guy doesn't call you, he doesn't want to call you"

" So trust me when i say if a guy is treating you like he doesn't give a shit, he genuinely doesn't give a shit. No exceptions"

We lie to ourselves and make exceptions for guys, if a guy has your number and is interested, he will call/text. None of this " busy" bullshit. Everyone has been here... Girlies the right guy is out there!

2. A signature pieces or pieces of jewellery - whether it's a ring, a bracelet, a friendship bracelet which is slowly fading, some pearl earrings or a pendant, they tend to make an outfit " you". I couldn't be without my pearl earrings, they are an instant way to make an outfit look a little more classy and dressed up.

3.Be yourself,  i love you guys, i love that I've met some amazing friends of out it, yes Ally i'm looking at you! But honestly guys, we need to be just us, and accept us! Don't change yourself for anyone, keep being goofy, true friends will accept you for who YOU are.