Saturday, April 18, 2009


So im sick yet again, i feel like my brain is slowly turning to mush. Each sentence is filled with spelling mistakes or double words! I keep having to check each word, being sick sucks!

But in this sick spell, i've discovered some awesome fashion inspiration or goodies. A amazing blog, movie, store and new makeup.

I discovered " Rantings of a Fashion addict" the other day and cant stop reading her old posts. Its filled with amazing outfits, which has inspired me to be more outgoing in what i wear. Her hair is so gorgeous and her makeup and writing skills are just to die for. You must check her blog out

Devil wears prada, seriously this film rocks. Everytime i feel in a fashion slump, i pick this film from my dvd collection and i can gurantee i will be craving everything fashionable and a blunt fringe.

Thats as much as i can manage for this post
