Thursday, April 9, 2009

In and out

In and out is one of my favourite things to read on other peoples blogs! It can contain anything you want! So lets begin;


1) Mentalist,bones and cold case- Im obsessed with these shows lately!

2) Raybans- I've always neglected this brand, i cant stop wanting more sunglasses! P.S my ones are CATS 5000 in white, retail price is £101. So cute

3) Simple face routine- I wash my face with Johnsons Baby shampoo, splash of cold water and moisturise with a Molton brown gingerly body lotion and my skin is the clearest its been for years, to think i was going to buy clinique's 3 step!

4) NARS turkish delight lipgloss- I bought this recently and I'm in loove! Its a light baby slightly milky pink, without the streakyness of mac! Its Kim kardashian's fave lipgloss and mine too! There is no scent to it, which is rather weird but awesome

5) Diet- Yep, im dieting for Summer and aim to lose 21lbs, which seems alot but really its just my weight 2 years ago when i was happier with my body! I've stuck pics of this bikini i really want on all my fave temptations!

6) FML, Fmylife really makes me giggle and is the perfect thing to wake up to after checking your emails!


1) Running- I hate running so much, but im making myself run a little each day. I'm hoping i'll learn to love it.

2) Mayo- Sadly this vice is one im cutting down on! I eat waay to much of it, and the diet ones are so chemically tasting

3) Heavy foundation- I only apply mine lightly with a makeup sponge, giving a much fresher, healthier appearance!
