Im currently borrowing my moms computer while she is cleaning, so i thought id do a little update!
I have many marvelous things to show you once the computer is back!, i got some wonderful things in the sales! and of course the all important Christmas haul.
I had a bit of palaver with some nail polish i got for christmas, i ordered them on the 15th of december in time for christmas with fast delivery. I waited and waited for the parcel, the tracking hadnt been updated since 19th stating they were in hawaii still!!! so, after christmas i was annoyed. I rang up to find out where they were and the international people had to contact USPS to ask them to sort it out. To my suprise they arrived on the 2nd! Cant wait to show you swatches!
Off to watch sex and the city on sky box office, gasp i know, i cant believe i havent seen it yet! But i was too busy and then sick when it came out, i forgot about it coming out on dvd so im going to eat chocolate and enjoy!
Happy 2009, check out my twitter for little updates