Monday, January 12, 2009


Sniff, Snizzle, Atchoo is what my vocal range sounds like today! And one of our dogs is also feeling coldy! poor brook, i just had to capture a picture of him sleeping!

And of course i had to add a picture of my dog as he was feeling left out, he's such a jealous dog lol!
So dont know if you remember my hair disaster story?New Hair --- pics. But i thought i would give you guys a little update on it! I absolutely love love it, Ive not touched it since, and its faded to such a lovely colour.

So what are your beauty/fashion goals

- Try to look less casual on a daily basis
- Keep my make up case organized!
- Exercise more
- Buy/wear more headbands and jewellery
- Find some great summer casual dresses

Although like me you feel all ready for summer to come our way, and the thought of more winter is miserable here are some inspiration pics!

of course this picture is very spring, but i would lengthen the skirt and raise the top and it would be a perfect summer outfit!

Sorry for this lame attempt at a blog post but when body's working against you, you do the best you can do lol!