Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Im Baaack!

So after waiting over a week or so for the computer to come back, i can FINALLY do my Christmas haul/ Sales Post.

I hope everyone had a fabulous christmas and New Year,Bring on 2009!!
To say the least, i received some amazing gifts;

- Ipod Speakers ( Since my old speakers have become the kitchen ipod dock)
- MAC Cool eyes palette
- MAC Viz a Violet Pigment ( so pretty and discontinued waahh)
- MAC ShadeStick in Silverbleu ( Amazing staying power, discontinued)
- MAC poison pen eyeshadow
- Victoria Secret Body Splash and Lotion in Warm and Cosy ( Smells so amaaazing)
- A Bunch of Body Shop items, vanilla body butter, Almond hand cream and cuticle oil pen
- Gossip girl Series 1 ( seriously addicted to this, Queen B rocks)
- Victoria Secret Tank
- A truckload of chocolate, mmmm
- Twilight Series ( OMG, soo addictive and good)
- Money, Money, money! and a few giftcards
- OPI nail varnish's that arrived like a few days ago, sooo pretty ( pics up tomorrow)

Our tree, we kind of felt sorry for him as he doesn't have many branches! We called him Rufus, it's sad when you take down Christmas decorations as it means its not here for another year!

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