Monday, September 1, 2008

there's a hint of winter in the air

Oh how i despair! I simply do detest winter, i believe thats why i love christmas and Halloween so much as it makes up for the awful weather.

In preperation for the doom season, i embrace the winter fashion and begin making a fall wishlist.

Along the rails of simple sweaters, mumsy knits, Things that you should try.... .

Coloured Tights

Channeling Blair from gossip girl, coloured tights are a little bit of screwing up perfection. Whilist pulling out that little v neck sweater you love so much and a skirt, instead of picking out that instant classic of a black tights, pick up that pair of red, pink or even a royal blue. Will make you stand out in a crowd without looking like a fashion reject or fashion victim

The Beanie

Get it wrong, you end up looking like you have a saggy mushroom on your head, get it right and you end up with a warm chic hat. The key is to have the hat fitting snugly on your head, with no saggy parts, with your hair draping in front.

Eye Masks

Oh to be a bear, i wish i could be hibernating right now, so then i could skip right to summer. But thats wishfull thinking, so instead i'll have to do with this sweet eyemask. Eyemasks are great for taking on that aeroplane flight, or taking a nap.