Friday, September 5, 2008

Make Up, Shake it up

Make up is a vital part of fashion in which it completes and finishes your look, its like signature scent, it improves your natural beauty. There are so many make up brands out there and great make up blogs, there is no excuse not to try it out.

There a few principles for getting your look down

1. A great foundation, you may have to try a few to find which is best for you ( make sure you test in natural light)

2. Mascara, Mascara, Mascara..... Even if you are running late, a slick of mascara can give you polished look.

3. Lipgloss, a glossy lip is this generations lipgloss, its fail safe with different shades and finishes from frosty to sheer, it's really a simple thing. The first commercially available lip gloss was Max Factor's X-Rated, launched in 1932 although was discontinued many years ago.

Here are a few pics of my eye make up, i was experimenting with eye shadows that i haven't really used before, Mac Jest and Clarins mono reflect in 12 ( forest).
I am thinking of getting Brown contacts as i think they will suit me better than my natural blue hazel colour. I always had brown eyes until about a few years ago, then overtime they changed.
What do you think?

You will be pleased to know that there will be a weekly beauty post as i feel this blog needs it, Make up is part of fashion and this blog is going to show it.