Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Every month i wonder into my local whsmith and scoop up my monthly magazines, Teen Vogue, Elle U.S, Glamour and Cosmogirl. With a stack of magazines under my arm, in a big thick hoodie, skinnies and a pair of uggs, there is nothing like it!

I've been collecting Elle UK for about 3 years now, Teen Vogue a year, Glamour, Cosmogirl, Elle U.S. for around 6 months. I love magazines, more so than books in a way. There is something cosy and friendly about magazines which leaves you coming back for more.

I've stopped buying Elle UK as frankly it is rather rubbish, there are no interesting and long articles like there used to be and their choices of celebrity are either boring or i just don't care for them. Teen Vogue has also gone down since i have been buying it, the magazine has seemed to gone on a diet, with hardly any decent articles and no inspiring Shoots.

Elle U.S is a favourite of mine, filled with decent long posts, with a mixture of fashion, beauty and articles about the world. Elle UK is definitely thicker but it has 60% ads, whereas elle U.S has hardly any ads compared to the UK elle but is much thinner on most occasions but is filled with actually interesting stuff. Look at the cover difference also, i prefer the layout of the U.S magazine covers, they are brighter and bolder and have catchier headlines.

Next month's Teen Vogue is an interesting choice, Zac Efron. Traditionally teen Vogue doesn't have male cover stars. Also doesnt this pic remind you of the 90's ? I've heard Teen Vogurs readers are down so maybe this is a ploy to get HSM fans to pic up the magazine?

What Magazines do you read and why?