Sunday, March 28, 2010

Russia Changes Time Zones

Well, as you all might have known, Russia is the largest country in the world by landmass. 

It was spread across 11 time zones and looked something like below!!

But things changed today early morning with the orders of the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev!!

Russia took a major decision of cutting down on the number of time zones in the country!! With this decision, Russia will have 9 time zones!!

There are certain pro's to this decision - as highlighted by Medvedev himself.
Medvedev said the change would help some far-flung regions have more efficient communications with the central authorities, ease travel and even improve the country's international position.

"It's possible that this could also aid the strengthening of Russia's position as a link in the global information infrastructure," he said at a meeting this month with ministers and regional leaders.

And certain con's as highlighted by people's concerns!!

According to Russia's energy officials, the abolition of the daylight saving time would increase the country's energy consumption by 4.5 billion kWatt/hour which translates to about $85 million of extra spending.
"In winter, school kids would be walking back home in darkness, while we adults would barely see any sunlight after we finish work." 

The Russian's also are looking at reducing the number of time zones to 5 from the current 9, a change which will have a major impact on the social fabric of the country!!!