Saturday, March 20, 2010

Earth Hour 2010

Climate Change, Global Warming et all were the key highlights of last year!!

Came to know about something called as "Earth Hour" a few days back!!

Earth Hour is a global event organized by WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature, also known as World Wildlife Fund) and is held on the last Saturday of March annually, asking households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights and other electrical appliances for one hour to raise awareness towards the need to take action on climate change. (courtesy Wikipedia)

This year, it's an initiative to switch off the lights on 27th March 2010 - for one whole hour. 

Here's a small excerpt...

In 2009 hundreds of millions of people around the world showed their support by turning off their lights for one hour.
Earth Hour 2010 will continue to be a global call to action to every individual, every business and every community. A call to stand up, to show leadership and be responsible for our future.

Pledge your support here and turn off your lights for one hour, Earth Hour, 8.30pm, Saturday 27th March 2010.

It’s Show-time! Show what can be done.
Check up the details at the Earth Hour International site!!

And if you need some Indian fare, you should go here!!

Personally,  my chances of meeting this commitment is extremly minuscule!! But certainly hoping that the world does pitch in for this initiative - after all some energy saved will be some energy earned!!