Sunday, March 21, 2010

Freida Pinto is a Bond Girl

What can one good smashing hit film do for you??

Well, better ask Freida Pinto - the Mumbai girl who made her debut in Slumdog Millionaire (her only film to hit the theaters till now)!!

She has landed a role to be the next Bond Girl!!

In the next James Bond film, to be directed by Sam Mendes, she will play the Bond Girl - an impressive achievement for a girl who is just one film old!!


She will join an illustrious list of ladies who have portrayed the role of a Bond Girl to the tee!! And without doubt, she will set many a actress who dream to get this role - red with envy!!

The prominent Bond girls - who set the screen alight - in the last few editions of James Bond films are Olga Kuryleno and Halle Berry!!