Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Aah yes the new camera arrived, its the Nikon D3000. I have to say tis pretty immense, check out my fotd, finally!

This look was inspired by Holly in Breakfast at tiffany's, heavy eyeliner/mascara which is smudged with a light pink lip.

YSL faux cils mascara
Mac kohl eyeliner in feline ( just a regular black pencil)
Max factor's earth spirits shadow in onyx
Mac's brule eyeshadow all over the lid.

Mac's Please me lippie
Im feeling rather productive, so i going to go tidy the kitchen/study, paint my nails and watch the OC

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


News these days is incomplete without Celebutante's!!

Well, Celebutante is a portmanteau of the words Celebrity and Débutante!! 

As Wiki says, It is generally used to refer to a young woman from a rich family who has received a large amount of media attention, primarily for her wealth and lifestyle!!

Some famous Celebutante's these days include Kim Kardashian and  Paris Hilton!!

Well, these gals are regulars on the pages of tabloids!! And this has propelled them into the category of Celebutante's!!

So excited..

Here's why...

It arrives tomorrow YAY!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Portmanteau Words

Well, I can safely say - Knowledge is the discovery of our own ignorance!!

Wonder what makes me say this??
Well, I have known basic English for at least 20 years!! But I hadn't heard of "Portmanteau Words"!!

The Dictionary says that a Portmanteau word is composed of parts of two or more words!!

It simply means that two or more basic words are joined together to form and convey a theme represented by the two words together!!

Some common portmanteau words include Smog (Smoke and Fog), Motel (Motor and Hotel) and Brunch (Breakfast and Lunch)!!
This made me wonder how we all keep on using these words without even thinking how they were formed!!

One common portmanteau word that I came across was "Celebutante". This seems quite new - my blog dictionary failed to recognize it!!

And then you have Portmanteau names!! Do you recollect Brangelina??

Well, that's Brad (Pitt) and Angelina (Jolie) for short!!

This word has certainly made its mark!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Russia Changes Time Zones

Well, as you all might have known, Russia is the largest country in the world by landmass. 

It was spread across 11 time zones and looked something like below!!

But things changed today early morning with the orders of the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev!!

Russia took a major decision of cutting down on the number of time zones in the country!! With this decision, Russia will have 9 time zones!!

There are certain pro's to this decision - as highlighted by Medvedev himself.
Medvedev said the change would help some far-flung regions have more efficient communications with the central authorities, ease travel and even improve the country's international position.

"It's possible that this could also aid the strengthening of Russia's position as a link in the global information infrastructure," he said at a meeting this month with ministers and regional leaders.

And certain con's as highlighted by people's concerns!!

According to Russia's energy officials, the abolition of the daylight saving time would increase the country's energy consumption by 4.5 billion kWatt/hour which translates to about $85 million of extra spending.
"In winter, school kids would be walking back home in darkness, while we adults would barely see any sunlight after we finish work." 

The Russian's also are looking at reducing the number of time zones to 5 from the current 9, a change which will have a major impact on the social fabric of the country!!! 

Show Stopper

Well, If you are in the business of dealing with softwares or hardwares, then the term "Show-Stopper" will not be completely unknown to you!!

I would say the same thing for people in the business of Fashion!!

Well, Wikipedia gives the following definition for Show-stopper

An event or fatal bug in software that makes it unusable or useless by disabling an essential piece of its functionality: 


In a project, mostly in software development: a problem that is known to be unsolvable and will bring the project to a halt.

For example, a bug that renders a text editor unable to open files, or a feature that interrupts the user with a near-infinite pop up windows when installing software.

Well, I completely agree with these ideas!! After all, these things are a part of my day to day life!!
But one thing that certainly isn't a part of my day-to-day life are the Super Model Show-stoppers!!

Models are called Show-stoppers when they walk the ramp for a particular designer at a fashion show and are expected to bring the show to a halt - with their grace, style, flamboyance, et all. Needless to say, they gather maximum eyeballs at the event and maximum publicity after the event!!

Here, I agree to Wiki's definition, for such kind of Show-stoppers

A word introduced into the English language circa 1926 meaning "an act, song, or performer that wins applause so prolonged as to interrupt a performance" or, more generally, "something or someone exceptionally arresting or attractive"

And guess which Show-stopper made me write all this??

Well, this is Deepika Padukone at the Wills India Fashion Week 2010/2011. 

She definitely would have bought the show to a complete halt with her stunning looks and her elegant walk down the ramp!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

They say a girl should never reveal her secrets...

But i think i shall make an exception ;-)
My new beauty secrets are rather random but delightful.

Ysl's faux cils, has a rather ouch worthy price compared to other mascaras. But seriously its worth its £20 price, well for me maybe. Most mascaras causes my lashes to thin and fall out. It creates amazing and well it looks pretty damn cute in my makeupbag.

Super suprised at this one, im a bit of a makeup snob but the mother suprised me with this. It's the holy grail, it hands down beats all of the mac and clinique concealers. The sponge applicator and liquid consisency means that it doesnt sink into creases and leaves it looking flawless.

Clinique dramatically different moisturizing GEL - not the lotion. Previously i've been using the lotion but by a simple mistake i ended up with the gel. My skin care routine and the ditching of my Laura Mercier foundation have rapidly cleared up my skin!

Did i forget to mention i was a Geek last week, how fun is that!


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Scene Girls Shoe Wear Tips - Neon Shoelaces

Scene girls wear shoes that are bright such as vans, ballet flats, Converse, or high heels which are eye-catching. To make your shoes look great, you can add things like neon shoelaces with signatures of your friends on your shoes but make sure they look personalized.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Angelina Jolie - Then and Now

Check out this picture below!!

Well, this is Angelina Jolie - almost 19 years back - when she was just 15 years old!!

This news article claims that back then too she had the flair to become a super star!!

And she is indeed a super star!! Check out her picture below at the Oscar Awards in 2010!!

You know you have come a long way, earned lots of fame and success when Google Search throws a result of 29,400,000 at your name!! Jolie certainly must be proud of it!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Ground Zero

This is how NYC looked - till 10th September 2009 !!

But the attacks on 9th November changed the face of the city!!

Catch a bird's eye view of the devastation in NYC due to the 9/11 attacks.

Taken by police personnel from NYPD, these pictures take you through some tense moments leading to the final collapse of the twin towers!!

Made me wonder - when the guy took the first picture, did he realize that the towers would collapse? And how this would change the world around us? Forever!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Cheerleading and Cheerleaders

It's the Indian Premier League season in India!!

After a break of one year, IPL is back to India!!

Apart from the many new ideas and revolutions introduced by the T20 format of cricket, one thing that has been introduced in India for the first time is - Cheer Leading!!

According to, a cheerleader is -  One who leads the cheering of spectators, as at a sports contest!!

And as per Wikipedia

Cheer Leading is a sport that uses organized routines that usually range from 1 minute to 3 minutes made from elements of tumbling, dance, jumps, cheers, and stunting to direct spectators of events to cheer on sports teams at games and matches and/or compete at cheer leading competitions.

Now that's quite a complex definition for something which i used to perceive as a dance!!

The skimpy dresses and the dazzling moves by the Cheer Leaders did attract a lot of flak in the first season of IPL!!

Indian's - being their innovative self - came up with a concept of cheer leading in local costumes!!

But this year, IPL is back "normal" cheer leading and no one is complaining!! Looks like Cheer Leading is here to stay in India!!

Freida Pinto is a Bond Girl

What can one good smashing hit film do for you??

Well, better ask Freida Pinto - the Mumbai girl who made her debut in Slumdog Millionaire (her only film to hit the theaters till now)!!

She has landed a role to be the next Bond Girl!!

In the next James Bond film, to be directed by Sam Mendes, she will play the Bond Girl - an impressive achievement for a girl who is just one film old!!


She will join an illustrious list of ladies who have portrayed the role of a Bond Girl to the tee!! And without doubt, she will set many a actress who dream to get this role - red with envy!!

The prominent Bond girls - who set the screen alight - in the last few editions of James Bond films are Olga Kuryleno and Halle Berry!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Kim Bum Hairstyles

Kim Bum (Kim Sang Bum), born July 7, 1989, is a South Korean actor and singer. He has starred in several television series and movies. He is probably best known for his role as So Yi Jung in the Korean drama, Boys over Flowers. This program is popular throughout most of Asia and the Philippines.

For his role in Boys over Flowers, Kim wears his hair in a medium length straight shag. This style is easy to achieve with a small amount of gel to hold the bangs to one side so that vision is not obscured. It looks clean cut enough to be acceptable in most settings while looking messy enough to show off a person's individuality.

For his role in the upcoming movie, Emergency, Kim wore his hair in cornrows on the sides and loose on top. This style is considerably more time consuming to achieve. It also does not look as attractive on him as the shag. Fortunately, this look is only for the one movie and will not be around long.

The shag is one of the best haircuts for someone with relatively thin, straight hair. It looks fuller and is easy to style compared to other options besides a buzz cut.

Earth Hour 2010

Climate Change, Global Warming et all were the key highlights of last year!!

Came to know about something called as "Earth Hour" a few days back!!

Earth Hour is a global event organized by WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature, also known as World Wildlife Fund) and is held on the last Saturday of March annually, asking households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights and other electrical appliances for one hour to raise awareness towards the need to take action on climate change. (courtesy Wikipedia)

This year, it's an initiative to switch off the lights on 27th March 2010 - for one whole hour. 

Here's a small excerpt...

In 2009 hundreds of millions of people around the world showed their support by turning off their lights for one hour.
Earth Hour 2010 will continue to be a global call to action to every individual, every business and every community. A call to stand up, to show leadership and be responsible for our future.

Pledge your support here and turn off your lights for one hour, Earth Hour, 8.30pm, Saturday 27th March 2010.

It’s Show-time! Show what can be done.
Check up the details at the Earth Hour International site!!

And if you need some Indian fare, you should go here!!

Personally,  my chances of meeting this commitment is extremly minuscule!! But certainly hoping that the world does pitch in for this initiative - after all some energy saved will be some energy earned!!

Advertising Goof Ups

It has been two silly months for the Indian advertising space!!

Everyone makes mistakes - but enormous mistakes do stand out to a very great extent!! 

If the mistake concerns India and Pakistan, the less said the better!!

On 24th Jan 2010, on the National Girl Child Day, a full page advertisement in a major newspaper showed the ex-chief of the Pakistan Air Force along with other Indian politicians and celebrity icons - urging the Indians to save their girl child!!

This advertisement did raise a huge hue and cry in the media!!

If this was not enough, an advertisement in today's newspaper - by Indian Railways - showed Delhi in Pakistan!! Other Indian cities were also out of place!!

It's high time advertisers take due care in releasing advertisements with such critical and important content!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Short Angled Bob Hairstyles

Angled bob hairstyles are among one of the hottest hair trends to look out for. The new angled bob hairstyles are longer and end around the shoulders. They are sexier and they have full curls to give the angled bob hairstyles even more flare.

Bobbed hairstyle - "Angled Bob Hairstyles"

Bobs are uber-trendy right now and a classic look. But they can be versatile (see Katie Holmes' hair here) and there are many types of bobs out there to choose from. Check out these bob hairstyle photos.
Bobbed hairstyle
Bobbed hairstyle
Bobbed hairstyle
Bobbed hairstyle
Bobbed hairstyle

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I'm in love

So for the past week or two, ive been giving hints about a new haircare line i've been trying out. The company is Neal and Wolf -

Developed by, Neil Capstick, who has worked in the hair industry for over 20 years. The fragrance of the line, has been created by the perfume house, behind some of the world’s finest scents. The line was created for professional salon's, but Ive found it available to buy online.

The company is simply delightful, the products were in such a pretty package, with a little catalogue and bunches of the prettiest white tissue paper.

So what did they send me?

Fix- A hold and shine spray, which i adore! I love the fact that its a hairspray without a nasty aerosol( It's mist like spray), but it actually makes your hair amazingly shiny without that horrid greasy look which a lot of products do! The hold lasts all day too!

Elevate- A volumising lotion, which i apply after towel drying my hair, the texture is like liquid gel but isn't too runny, so its easy to manage and apply evenly all over the hair. This really does give me great volume, so much so that Ive not backcombed slightly since!

Harmony- A miracle product! It's an intensive conditioning treatment which i tend to use 2 times a week, leaving my hair instantly soft, conditioned, shiny and healthy! I leave it in for 3-5 minutes on my wet hair.

The smell is pretty unique, i've been told quite a few times how good my hair smells! It reminds me honey i washed the kids or beeswax.

what else do i love about this line? Since i've been using these products with my new shampoo and conditioners ( matrix amplfying range), i now only ever need to wash my hair every other day at the most, whereas before it started to look a bit lanky and not so fresh at the end of the day YUCK! Personally i think this line is better than Redken!


Check out their products at
Buy online here

The retail prices are
Harmony- £12.95

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Alotta Questions!

Exciting review coming soon, the company's pr service was amazing, it all came so fast and was beautifully packaged and i can confirm that atm i am in love! I cannot wait to show them to you, however they need a few more uses before i can honestly review :)

New addiction- Essie mint apple candy, its the perfect seafoam blue, kind of tiffany blue.
I personally adore essie over OPI, the formula is so much better,
it chips alot less for me, which is major plus point for me.
What is your fave nail polish brand?


Mandy Moore Hairstyle

When we first met Mandy Moore, she was in our CD players singing us through our teenage years. Now, the grown up Mandy Moore has discovered acting. We have seen in her excellent films such as “Because I Said So” and “Saved”. As we have watched her grow into a young woman, we have watched her style change as well. take a look at the different hairstyles that we have seen Mandy in.

At first, Mandy was just a young strawberry blonde girl who possessed the gift of singing. Now, we find her on the silver screen, the same hair color is there as well. Mandy prefers to wear her hair longer. In the move “How to Deal” however, we did see her with a cute short cut. This cut was very close to a cut that celebrity Ashley Judd had for awhile. There are short layers and the hair stacks on top of each other. This is a great style if you have thinner hair.

Mandy typically parts her hair down the middle. Because her hair is longer, she does have some longer layers put in there. This adds some body as well and gives the hair some more life. The last thing that you want is long, flat hair. That would simply be no fun at all. The only product you would need to finish a style such as this would be hair spray.

Take a look at your current style and see if you can find a Mandy Moore style that works for you!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A year in Beauty

This fall, the beauty industry went crazy over chanel's jade polish, even more so than the infamous black satin. It sold out in under 40 minutes and you can find this £16 bottle for selling up to £100 on ebay. There are dupes, however none come really close.

Dolce and Gabbana brought out a makeupline, with scarlet johanasen as the face of the brand.
The makeup has gorgeous packaging but from what i can tell its not HUGE in the industry more like a gimmick.
Half shaved hair a la Cassie, not a trend to be taken lightly! Personally i think it look silly but alot of the celebrities jumped on this trend such as Rihanna, Amelle from sugababes, Alice Dellal.

Youtube Beauty bloggers, took youtube by a storm, such as Juicystar07, Allthatglitters21, panacea81 and Bubsbeauty. Some even having hundreds of thousands subscribers, some have even made careers out of it such as panacea81 who has her own range in sephora, a video game. Juicystar07 and Allthatglitters21 got invited to do makeup at New York fashion week. However there has been some controversy regards to paid reviews and reviews of products and how honest some have been. Check out my my friend, sarahbelle83x on youtube, she has a few thousand subscribers!

Ysl's glossy black lips, not for the faint hearted but caused a stir in the industry. It also inspired mac's Style black collection which featured a black lippie.
