Saturday, August 1, 2009

Another giveaway! Perricone MD - CLOSED!

CLOSED- ended Monday at midnight

Hi girlies, so i know its been nearly a week since i last posted, so i apologise. All i have been doing is sleeping, a little twittering, and laying around in my pj's. I have some exciting reviews coming soon, i just have to wait for them to arrive in the post!

This giveaway is sample of the "Perricone MD Advanced Face Firming Activator" which the original retails for $120! Its one of their best sellers!!

If your all about preventing wrinkles early or you think this would be a great for someone to try such as your mom, an aunt or even a grandma!

Perricone MD Advanced face firming activator, makes skin firmer, more toned and gives a lovely glow while help preventing further aging damage. The activator contains Alpha Lipoic acid and DMAE, which helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and enlarged pores and improve the skins texture!!

Another huge plus point is that its paraben free, parabens are rather safe but recent studies are showing that they maybe more harmful than what we've been prevousy been thinking! Their products have been in instyle, Vanity fair, Life and Style So far this year!! They have also have perricone prescription diet . Also they do a clear skin hydrator -> Hydrator


  • The contest ends Monday the 10th of August.
  • U.S only sorry !
  • Tell me why you want this product, and skin care systems that have failed for you
  • Leave your email and make sure your following my blog!
  • Try their skin quiz
That's it lovelies, its as easy as that!!

Now if you don't mind I'm off to have a movie marathon, with a hot mug of tea and my blanket!

KC xxx