Thursday, December 31, 2009

Let's see if this actually works after mucho pain in arse! Blogging
via iPhone via email due to my laptop for real completely dying on me!
Nothing is working, not even safe mode, I only got it in march!

Oh yeah and I'm feeling a little out of synch due to my current
sleeping pattern, not by choice! I can't get to sleep until 4am and
wake up at 12pm!

Then of all days, my allergies decide to pay a visit, hasta la vista
NYE plans, Im now just at home, dvd's, popcorn and blanket!

Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Y2K - 10 years on

New Year 2010 is here - in just about 5 days!!

Well, this new year is special - just because it signals the end of the first decade of the 21st century!!

A little over 10 years ago, as the 21st century was about to be heralded - Y2K was the buzz word!!

Y2K was a critical computer problem - related to the fact that "years" in computer systems were stored in 2 digits. On 1 Jan 2000, the "year" was expected to roll over from 99 to 00.

With this, it was estimated that the systems would not be able to distinguish between the year 2000 and 1900. Many organizations across the world spent millions of dollars trying to fix the problem. The net result was highly successful - with very very few errors reported across the world!!

Catch all the details here!!

And one comment by Alan Greenspan in 1998 highlighted how programmers across the world underestimated their capabilities on developing long running computer systems!!

"I’m one of the culprits who created this problem. I used to write those programs back in the 1960s and 1970s, and was proud of the fact that I was able to squeeze a few elements of space out of my program by not having to put a 19 before the year. Back then, it was very important. We used to spend a lot of time running through various mathematical exercises before we started to write our programs so that they could be very clearly delimited with respect to space and the use of capacity. It never entered our minds that those programs would have lasted for more than a few years. As a consequence, they are very poorly documented. If I were to go back and look at some of the programs I wrote 30 years ago, I would have one terribly difficult time working my way through step-by-step. ”

—Alan Greenspan, 1998

What is Boxing Day??

Well, for the last 15 years - almost since the time I've known cricket - I have heard about the Boxing Day Test. The Boxing Day Test starts on the next day after Christmas.

This made me think that 26th Dec is always referred to as Boxing Day. And how wrong i was!!

Boxing Day - in the simplest terms - is the first weekday after Christmas!!

Considering this, it can either be on 26th Dec or 27th Dec or 28th Dec!!

As per Wikipedia, the name derives from the tradition of giving seasonal gifts, on the day after Christmas, to less wealthy people and social inferiors, which was later extended to various work people such as laborers and servants.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Haul 2009

Merry Christmas :)
Hope you all are having or had a great christmas

Here's my haul!
If you've been following my blog for a while, and read my previous one then you'll know i do these kind of things every year! I have pics of all my presents for the last 3 years!!

Shoesies, low top white converse will be perfect for summer and spring with well everything
Short chestnut uggs are so cute and comfy and well warm!!

I've been trying to track down this lippy for months after seeing it in a magazine. Its chanel's positano. Mac's Please me is rosy matte pink and is pretty cute.

Well this little loot will certainly keep me busy haha

This kit was more expensive than the normal ghd's, it included a cute heatproof bag, a tote bag, clips and hairbrush but i asked for this because £35 goes the breast cancer charity. They are seriously amazing and hands down beat chi's!

haha my idiot dad picked up the aftershave not the womens version. Its regarded as being pretty cheap/chavvy. But honestly its the nicest perfume ever, it smells so fresh almost like the air at the beach with this sweetsmell with a touch of citrus. I adore it, should be swapping it tomorrow if i manage to go shopping!

Here is what i wore most of the day

Delias Harvard tee
Topshop rosebud thermals
Ugg short chestnut
Messy messy hair thrown up into a ponytail

Christmas this year wasnt amazing to due to a little drama but im so thankful for my gifts.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Misconstrued Laws

On Thursday 24th Dec 2009, just about every newspaper in India had a news headline declaring that Indians could now fly their National Flag even at night!!

The first two lines of the article are mentioned below

Indian citizens can now fly the National Flag even at night. This is subject to the condition that the flagpole is really tall and the flag itself well-illuminated.

This made me wonder what kind of laws are we making?

Laws which can easily be misconstrued!!!

What is the meaning of "really tall"? Is it 1 feet or 100 feet?

And what is "well-illuminated"? Illuminated with a 0 watt bulb or a 100 watt bulb?

Its high time we started making intelligent laws. Laws which have only one clear meaning. This will make our legal system more strong and prevent any misuse in the loopholes of such laws!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

Things I'm Obsessed with 001

First Edition of things im obsessed with.

- Indian Culture, i've always been in love with the indian culture as a whole, but since watching " The family", which is a fly on wall documentry thing on a indian family ( Pregnant daughter, Son getting married, totally hot bollywood actor). Which has relayed into watching " Bend it like Beckham", Bride and Predijuce.

- False Lashes, ftw mascara has nothing on these babies. Im currently loving thickish but look natural lashes. Really reccomend the girls alloud collection by Eyelure.

- MLIA " Yesterday my sister lost her first tooth. Last night after my parents put money under her pillow, i secretly put another 5 bucks under her pillow. Now my parents are still confused, i think i got them to believe in the tooth fairy. MLIA" Enough said...


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Two Fotd

See i told you i would post alot more now its the holidays :) and i promised you this post!
Here is yesterdays makeup look, honestly i cant remeber what im wearing but im thinking its

-satin taupe
- poison pen
- all that glitters
Winter social makeup

- macs holiday cool eyes pallete 2008 ( the blues)
- bit of carbon
- Amazing false lashes ( eyelure nicola)

Bronzer- clinique sun 02
Blush - mac moon river
Lips- Mac's hue lipstick.

Pictures of winter social to come soon and tell all about the drama !!
Currently watching - bend it like beckham, man Rhys meyers is hottie.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Naughty or Nice?

Now you've all seen my little wishlist which amazingly one already came true! The best present of all, something that ive never seen before january since i was like 5.


what’s so wrong with being a little naughty?! Sure, sugar and spice is nice.

Every girl needs...

Every girl needs a signature lip, to bring out your naughty side a red lip is a must, its classy with that smudged eyeliner look ( MAC's Russian Red). Good girls well, they like to play it safe, a tinted lipbalm gives that im wearing makeup but man i dont need it ( Benefit's benetint).

Nailpolish. Black, your thinking hmmm what a stereotype. But seriously every girl good or bad needs just one little bottle of it their life. It can be classy or badass( Chanel black satin, OPI onyx). Good girls need a little lilac too, its different from the classical baby pink, its pretty and girlie.

Skinny jeans, bit like leggings. You dont know what your missing until you wear them constantly and yes you always have a favourite pair. These ( Forever21) Jeans are so cheap- $30. Go with everything, bad girls need a distressed grey pair, good girls, pale denim is cute.
Starbucks gift cards, yum! Naughty girls drink it straight, good girls, you name it. " Syrup, full fat milk"


Monday, December 14, 2009


emo girl
It’s raw and refined, emotional and apathetic, simple yet elegant.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas wishlist !

Seeing as it's getting close to Christmas, 11 days!! and I'll probably to busy this week to update, so expect a bunch next week!

Christmas List xxx

Main Presents
1. GHD's, man ive been desperate for them.
2. UGG's, my other pairs are wrecked : (

3. Jack wills pants, gotta have some sweatpants !
4. Well as u can see im a dvd addict!
5. Influence by MK & A
Beauty and other girlie indulgencies.
6. Hugo Boss Orange, smells so so good and SiennaMiller is the face of it!
7. Philosophy Melon Daiquiri, mmm.
8. Chanel Aqualamiere lipstick, in postiano, its this perfect nude ( obvs not that lippie)
9. Essie fall mini pack, So cute, has a bright bubblegum pink, plum, dark grey and my signature dark navy.

10. White converse, such classics, perfect for those casual days.
11. Godiva Chocolate, ever since Nate gave a huge box to jenny in gossip girl ive been meaning to try!

Oh and is it too much to ask for...

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Intelligent Mind

Once in a while we come across a person whose thought process is quite different from the people we meet daily.

Or many many times, the same old people think differently - making you appreciate their intelligence!!

Well, all this is linked to their mind - who at times or maybe always tries to think at a different level altogether!!

Here is one article which tries to explore this behavior. Quite interesting I would say!!

And if the article is to be believed, we can ourselves build a intelligent mind - just like we are developing a skill!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

This is look im doing for my winter social dance ( ie homecoming), sorry for shabby pics, blame my phone

It looks alot smokier and prettier in real life
Mac Carbon- sweeped up to the brow bone avoiding the eyelid
Mac Poison pen- on lid
Mac all that glitters -inner corner
Immensely blended!
Mascara- L'oreal voluminous

Ice skating on saturday, its going to amazing! Its outside, at night at a huge mansion/hall.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Short Flipped Bangs Hairstyles 2010 for Women

If you want to sport a short hairstyle, you need to know that having longer layers on the top will make your hairstyle look even more gorgeous. Brushing them back is easy and thus styling also does not need much effort. You can pull them forward and even curl and tease them to get new hairstyles. Flipped bangs will add to your look and will complement your whole look. If you are a fan of hairstyles with bangs and like to sport mini tresses, you would find this style to be perfect one for you.

Short Flipped Bangs Hairstyles 2010 for Women

Short Flipped Bangs Hairstyles 2010 for Women

Even if you have a tomboyish hairstyle, adding flipped bangs to them will make your hair look even more glamorous. When you want to look good, you do not always need thick and long bangs. Flipping will not take much of your time and can be done easily to give a whole new look to your hairstyle. These hairstyles are versatile and you can pair them up with short hair or give your hair a tousled look as well. Depending on the occasion, your hairstyle can be funky as well as simple or have a retro look as well.

Short Flipped Bangs Hairstyles 2010 for Women

Short flipped bangs also look good and you can enhance the features of your face with such a hairstyle. Enhancing the length is possible if you style the hair well. If you are going to attend a party, use some gel or other hairstyling products so that the effect can be long lasting. Flatten up your bangs with the help of an iron and get ready to flatter men.

Short Flipped Bangs Hairstyles 2010 for Women

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Russian Mentality

Heading towards Russia? Or planning to interact with the Russians?

Well, this is one article which may help you - a bit!!

World Cup 2010 Draw!!

The FIFA Football World Cup 2010 will kick off in South Africa in little over 7 months!!
The draw was held a few days back in South Africa and the battle lines are already drawn!!

In my opinion, all the groups are equally balanced - with none of the groups having more than 2 strong teams. With this, unless there are some upsets, we can see a strong line up the Last 16 stage leading to some good action.

The match schedule is as below.

Within a short span of 2 weeks, we will know who will have a shot at the Cup.

As of now, Spain is the current favorite with odds 5 1/2. Only time will tell who will win the World Cup, the first to be held in Africa!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

60s Mod Hairstyles Fashion for Women

The 60s short mod hairstyles are the latest fad for people of all ages. You can have a complete makeover by getting these hairstyles made on yourself. These hairstyles re basically inspired from the geometrical hairstyles from 60s.

60s Mod Hairstyles Fashion for Short Hair
These classy hairstyles are lining their second youth these days. They have made a come back and are getting really popular for the extravagant hair makeovers for women of today. A new wave in the world of hairstyles has been brought by these hairstyles. This trend has been introduced by the famous mainstream style icons like Twiggy.

60s Mod Hairstyles Fashion for Women
This hairstyle basically favors the blunt shapes, geometric and sharp angles. These chick hairstyles can instantly spice up your look. The best part of these hairstyles is that it suits the all kinds of hair textures and face shapes.

60s Mod Short Hairstyles Fashion for Women
From round to square, thick to thin faces, classic 60s short mod hairstyles are perfect for people of all ages. You can have a doll like and feminine look with this hairstyle on your short hair. The beautiful features of your face are best highlighted with this hairstyle. You do not really need a high maintenance for this kind of hairstyle.

60s Mod Hairstyles Fashion for Women 2009
You can get a better look by accessorizing this hairstyle a bit. Dazzling accessories can make you glamorous and chick for a night out. Flaunt your short hair with panache for any occasion with this hairstyle. You can look your stunning best without putting in extra efforts and get a look of celebrity with this hairstyle. Get 60s short mod hairstyles made and create a new fashion mantra.

Friday, December 4, 2009


emo girl hairstyle
scene emo hair
emo scene girls

Hairstyle gallery at

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ooh its almost christmas

Hola amigos

Holy crap its december 1st already! Isnt that exciting, finally i can start watching christmas movies and blasting my music. Tell you what did break my heart, while letting the dog out to do his business, i saw my oldish neighbour decorating his tree all by himself :( He has his family and wife as well living there.

So who wants to hear my boring plans/to do list for this month!?

- Buy pressies
- Make a butload of cookies/decorate tree
- Go to the mac counter, outlets and bluewater
- Winter Social
- Ice Skating
- Secret santa
- Go to courts- aah nope not for legal reasons, going for experience ( im studying law alevels)
- Mock Exams

Best Christmas Movie ever is definitley Deck the halls! Its basically about a lighting competion between these two neighbours, it has danny devito and mathew broderick in it! I cant wait to watch it!

I promise i will include these posts this month
- a christmas list
- Decorating the tree - you guys seemed to love my post last year.
- Winter social piccies
- Haulage!- both shopping and christmas pressies
- Recipe for cookies!


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

3 times a charm

Well third times a charm, I finally bought a dress.
So pretty! Honestly, i think its gorgeous, im planning to wear it with black high heel pumps, silver/gunmetal jewellwery and baby blue satin clutch.

Hair/makeup- Definitely a half up do, cant decide whether to have it straight or curled- will leave it to my hairdresser. Makeup,Im thinking a smokey brown eye! and nudey pink lips. May have to visit my local mac counter hehe.

Anyway! im seriously lacking inspiration lately. Im off to create my christmas list, and sip my current addiction- Hot chocolate


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Realising and finding yourself.

Im finding myself, finally. Im finally being who i want to be.

Im realising that if your friends bitch about each other alot, they will for sure be bitching about you FACT. Bitching about other people gets you no where. It reflects badly on you, and honestly its just rude. If you hear someone is bitchy, im making a vow not to join in.

I'm realising that exercise is not your enemy, laziness is! Pump up some tunes loud, and just get on with it. I look forward to getting on my elliptical, Basshunter pumping crazily loud in my ear and working up a sweat most days.
I'm looking forward to a christmas social, and wearing this dress, black tights, black bow pumps and a tan.

That the preppy look is more me, and to stop changing for other people. I will wear hoodies and gilet's, leggings and jeans and uggs with thick ballet pink pasminas.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

"How did you do your hair dude?"

Let this JAPANESE guy teach you how to achieve that short spiky hairstyle in under a minute. It's like AWESOME!

Perfect for the emo/bad boy/Yakuza!!! look.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Short Hairstyles for Round Faced Women Pictures

This can be a great challenge to find out the hairstyles that will best suit the shape of your face. With the help of the long hair you can lengthen the looks of your face but the most difficult part to face is when your face look odd with the hairstyle you chose.

This is the treason to select the proper hairstyle that can go with the shape of your face. If the layers of the hair are given proper attention and volume is added on the right places then the short hairstyles can go very well with the round faces. The most important part of the short hairstyle for round faces is the cut that is adopted. Also the length of the hair is important for the round faces.

Short Hairstyles for Round Faced Women Pictures

The best short hairstyles for round faced women are the haircuts above the length of the chin or below the chin but many inches above the shoulders. If you have round face then you have to avoid hairstyles of the chin length as they will make your face look rounder.

Short Hairstyles for Round Faced Women Pictures
If you are looking for very short hairstyle for round shape faces then the best option can be the pixie cut as it has short wispy layers that will break up the volume of the hair. Length is not the only thing that demands attention also the shape of the hair is important. Flat shape at the top of the head will make your face look rounder. Instead of soft medium length layers you can add on some of the visual height.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Hey im actually alive!

Im not gonna roll out the huge apolgies as im sure you've heard it all before. Im just gonna get straight into this post!

Basically things im loving/wanting at the moment!
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Loving - Barry M's 101 lipstick, woah this thing is like the uber nude lipstick, but its so pretty on your lips. I love it with a tinted lipbalm !


Ballet flats- Yes im in desperate need of ballet flats, its crazy i find it impossible to find the perfect pair, these come close!

That lace dress- i have a winter social coming up and im willing to spend crazy shipping to the UK for that baby! Any ideas on what colour shoes/accesories? im a little stumped.

10 things im loving too!

1. Gingerbread Lattes, damn those things are so good
2. Facebook, im addicted to it, but please dont ask me for mine, unless ur a good blog friend!
3. Essie Very Cranberry, Looks amazing on your toes!
4. Real Housewives of Orange County, Woah those girls love themselves some botox, but its highly addicting. Its like laguna beach all grown up
5. Taio cruz, I can't stop listening!
6. Blueberry pancakes, yum drizzled with maple syrup
7. Pashminas, instant classiness to outfit.
8. Christmas, cannot wait for this season to start, parties, presents, great food galore!
9. Exercise, man i gotta lose those lbs for that lace dres! Proud to say i walked two miles, ran a mile and did 30 minutes on the elliptical today!
10. Sweats/Leggings, man i cant live without these and even better Jeggings ( denim leggings)


10 things im loving too!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Cough and a sneeze...

Yup, still ill... had to miss school today. I spent the day sleeping, or watching movies.

My outfit consists of my two loves - Old and new

New - Black leggings, i finally found the perfect pair- miss selfridge!
Old- Gap hoodies, seriously they are soo warm and cosy and last for years!! I have a childs one i still wear which i must of bought when i was 12 and im 16 now!

Oh and a mug of hot chocolate and fuzzy slippers : )

Sick by Pink_Swish featuring GAP
