Thursday, December 24, 2009

Misconstrued Laws

On Thursday 24th Dec 2009, just about every newspaper in India had a news headline declaring that Indians could now fly their National Flag even at night!!

The first two lines of the article are mentioned below

Indian citizens can now fly the National Flag even at night. This is subject to the condition that the flagpole is really tall and the flag itself well-illuminated.

This made me wonder what kind of laws are we making?

Laws which can easily be misconstrued!!!

What is the meaning of "really tall"? Is it 1 feet or 100 feet?

And what is "well-illuminated"? Illuminated with a 0 watt bulb or a 100 watt bulb?

Its high time we started making intelligent laws. Laws which have only one clear meaning. This will make our legal system more strong and prevent any misuse in the loopholes of such laws!!