Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ooh its almost christmas

Hola amigos

Holy crap its december 1st already! Isnt that exciting, finally i can start watching christmas movies and blasting my music. Tell you what did break my heart, while letting the dog out to do his business, i saw my oldish neighbour decorating his tree all by himself :( He has his family and wife as well living there.

So who wants to hear my boring plans/to do list for this month!?

- Buy pressies
- Make a butload of cookies/decorate tree
- Go to the mac counter, outlets and bluewater
- Winter Social
- Ice Skating
- Secret santa
- Go to courts- aah nope not for legal reasons, going for experience ( im studying law alevels)
- Mock Exams

Best Christmas Movie ever is definitley Deck the halls! Its basically about a lighting competion between these two neighbours, it has danny devito and mathew broderick in it! I cant wait to watch it!

I promise i will include these posts this month
- a christmas list
- Decorating the tree - you guys seemed to love my post last year.
- Winter social piccies
- Haulage!- both shopping and christmas pressies
- Recipe for cookies!
