Sunday, November 22, 2009

Realising and finding yourself.

Im finding myself, finally. Im finally being who i want to be.

Im realising that if your friends bitch about each other alot, they will for sure be bitching about you FACT. Bitching about other people gets you no where. It reflects badly on you, and honestly its just rude. If you hear someone is bitchy, im making a vow not to join in.

I'm realising that exercise is not your enemy, laziness is! Pump up some tunes loud, and just get on with it. I look forward to getting on my elliptical, Basshunter pumping crazily loud in my ear and working up a sweat most days.
I'm looking forward to a christmas social, and wearing this dress, black tights, black bow pumps and a tan.

That the preppy look is more me, and to stop changing for other people. I will wear hoodies and gilet's, leggings and jeans and uggs with thick ballet pink pasminas.