Monday, December 21, 2009

Things I'm Obsessed with 001

First Edition of things im obsessed with.

- Indian Culture, i've always been in love with the indian culture as a whole, but since watching " The family", which is a fly on wall documentry thing on a indian family ( Pregnant daughter, Son getting married, totally hot bollywood actor). Which has relayed into watching " Bend it like Beckham", Bride and Predijuce.

- False Lashes, ftw mascara has nothing on these babies. Im currently loving thickish but look natural lashes. Really reccomend the girls alloud collection by Eyelure.

- MLIA " Yesterday my sister lost her first tooth. Last night after my parents put money under her pillow, i secretly put another 5 bucks under her pillow. Now my parents are still confused, i think i got them to believe in the tooth fairy. MLIA" Enough said...
