Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Haul 2009

Merry Christmas :)
Hope you all are having or had a great christmas

Here's my haul!
If you've been following my blog for a while, and read my previous one then you'll know i do these kind of things every year! I have pics of all my presents for the last 3 years!!

Shoesies, low top white converse will be perfect for summer and spring with well everything
Short chestnut uggs are so cute and comfy and well warm!!

I've been trying to track down this lippy for months after seeing it in a magazine. Its chanel's positano. Mac's Please me is rosy matte pink and is pretty cute.

Well this little loot will certainly keep me busy haha

This kit was more expensive than the normal ghd's, it included a cute heatproof bag, a tote bag, clips and hairbrush but i asked for this because £35 goes the breast cancer charity. They are seriously amazing and hands down beat chi's!

haha my idiot dad picked up the aftershave not the womens version. Its regarded as being pretty cheap/chavvy. But honestly its the nicest perfume ever, it smells so fresh almost like the air at the beach with this sweetsmell with a touch of citrus. I adore it, should be swapping it tomorrow if i manage to go shopping!

Here is what i wore most of the day

Delias Harvard tee
Topshop rosebud thermals
Ugg short chestnut
Messy messy hair thrown up into a ponytail

Christmas this year wasnt amazing to due to a little drama but im so thankful for my gifts.