Sunday, September 28, 2008

Credit Crunch

Oh I may only be teenager with no job but a monthly allowance but that only goes so far.Although the credit crunch doesnt really affect me but with the news reporting of the economy down the crapper and my account looking a little low, I think its time to think about what im spending.

How I intend to stay above the credit crunch…

- Magazines, oh how I love you dearly, I look forward to purchasing an arm full of magazines each month but it is time to say goodbye to most of you. I’m only going to buying one magazine a month, Cosmo girl. It filled with everything that teen vogue has and more with actual affordable items.
- EBay, I’m going to be auctioning some items this week with a bit of luck! I need a bit of cash for winter clothes! There are so many items on Urban Outfitters which are calling my name. Also with a bit of luck, if people keep clicking my ads I’ll have $100 bucks coming my way.

- Giving up those yummy Lattes from Starbucks which cost £3.50 which is around $7. As much as love my frequent Starbucks hits, I simply must cut back! Also it’s less calories, not so great for the diet with around 300 calories in each frappucino its no wonder I have been pilling on the lb’s! Question why is the frappuccino more photogenic than the latte?!

- Instead of those impulse buys or those cute pair of juicy sweats, I need to star buying things which go with most things, last long and can be dressed up or down.
So i hope you like my little ways to help, what are you doing about the credit crunch?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Inspire me

It is not magazines that inspire me to love fashion but it is the modern day and classic fashionistas that inspire me whilist choosing what to wear, or what make up to put on. Some days i feel like channeling audrey hepburn's make up in breakfast at tiffanys and other days i like to channel mischa barton from the oc or even occasionally ashley olsen.

These three people have a special place in my heart, for 3 reasons each.

Audrey- what more do i have to say, the classical beauty, and the represention of my favourite fashion era,the late 50's early 60's.

Mischa- After falling in love with the oc about a year ago, her character and her real life fashion are a real source of inspiration, slightly boho but glamorous and slightly preppy.

Ashley Olsen- i was madly obsessed with the olsen twins when i was younger who were truly my first real fashion inspiration. I'd watch each film or tv series that would come out, and strive to dress like them. My favourite was always ashley and even more so as she grew up. I have to say her recent looks are not my favourite but more so than her sisters hobo chic look.

These are some of my favourite pics for inspiration...

One day, during the holidays, i shall make an "inspire me" book, filled of pictures.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Make Up, Shake it up

Make up is a vital part of fashion in which it completes and finishes your look, its like signature scent, it improves your natural beauty. There are so many make up brands out there and great make up blogs, there is no excuse not to try it out.

There a few principles for getting your look down

1. A great foundation, you may have to try a few to find which is best for you ( make sure you test in natural light)

2. Mascara, Mascara, Mascara..... Even if you are running late, a slick of mascara can give you polished look.

3. Lipgloss, a glossy lip is this generations lipgloss, its fail safe with different shades and finishes from frosty to sheer, it's really a simple thing. The first commercially available lip gloss was Max Factor's X-Rated, launched in 1932 although was discontinued many years ago.

Here are a few pics of my eye make up, i was experimenting with eye shadows that i haven't really used before, Mac Jest and Clarins mono reflect in 12 ( forest).
I am thinking of getting Brown contacts as i think they will suit me better than my natural blue hazel colour. I always had brown eyes until about a few years ago, then overtime they changed.
What do you think?

You will be pleased to know that there will be a weekly beauty post as i feel this blog needs it, Make up is part of fashion and this blog is going to show it.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Every month i wonder into my local whsmith and scoop up my monthly magazines, Teen Vogue, Elle U.S, Glamour and Cosmogirl. With a stack of magazines under my arm, in a big thick hoodie, skinnies and a pair of uggs, there is nothing like it!

I've been collecting Elle UK for about 3 years now, Teen Vogue a year, Glamour, Cosmogirl, Elle U.S. for around 6 months. I love magazines, more so than books in a way. There is something cosy and friendly about magazines which leaves you coming back for more.

I've stopped buying Elle UK as frankly it is rather rubbish, there are no interesting and long articles like there used to be and their choices of celebrity are either boring or i just don't care for them. Teen Vogue has also gone down since i have been buying it, the magazine has seemed to gone on a diet, with hardly any decent articles and no inspiring Shoots.

Elle U.S is a favourite of mine, filled with decent long posts, with a mixture of fashion, beauty and articles about the world. Elle UK is definitely thicker but it has 60% ads, whereas elle U.S has hardly any ads compared to the UK elle but is much thinner on most occasions but is filled with actually interesting stuff. Look at the cover difference also, i prefer the layout of the U.S magazine covers, they are brighter and bolder and have catchier headlines.

Next month's Teen Vogue is an interesting choice, Zac Efron. Traditionally teen Vogue doesn't have male cover stars. Also doesnt this pic remind you of the 90's ? I've heard Teen Vogurs readers are down so maybe this is a ploy to get HSM fans to pic up the magazine?

What Magazines do you read and why?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Google Chrome

A new web browser from Google !!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

there's a hint of winter in the air

Oh how i despair! I simply do detest winter, i believe thats why i love christmas and Halloween so much as it makes up for the awful weather.

In preperation for the doom season, i embrace the winter fashion and begin making a fall wishlist.

Along the rails of simple sweaters, mumsy knits, Things that you should try.... .

Coloured Tights

Channeling Blair from gossip girl, coloured tights are a little bit of screwing up perfection. Whilist pulling out that little v neck sweater you love so much and a skirt, instead of picking out that instant classic of a black tights, pick up that pair of red, pink or even a royal blue. Will make you stand out in a crowd without looking like a fashion reject or fashion victim

The Beanie

Get it wrong, you end up looking like you have a saggy mushroom on your head, get it right and you end up with a warm chic hat. The key is to have the hat fitting snugly on your head, with no saggy parts, with your hair draping in front.

Eye Masks

Oh to be a bear, i wish i could be hibernating right now, so then i could skip right to summer. But thats wishfull thinking, so instead i'll have to do with this sweet eyemask. Eyemasks are great for taking on that aeroplane flight, or taking a nap.