Thursday, July 7, 2011


If God offered me one chance to rewind something, needless to say, it would have been Time.

Just a few days back, someone told me - "Life gives us the experience first, then the lesson." Thank you "A" for sharing that vital lesson. We discussed many things, but this thought has been etched in my mind.

I wonder, is there is any way we can reverse that order? The answer is a No.  Hope it was a Yes. Wish it was a Yes.

The only thing that we can attempt is to learn from the lesson so that we can attempt to create a better experience next time. 

Alternatively, we can only pray to God Almighty to rewind Time. How I wish that God Himself would answer this prayer.

Let me delve into the deep, thoughtful world of how and why I would love to Rewind back my time.

I would like to be a little child again, innocent and cut off from the world of realities. I would love to spend all my time sleeping, playing, doing nothing. And maybe learning to walk again. And learning to speak again.

I would like to that little going school boy, learning new things everyday. Maybe I would pay more attention in the classes, now that I know that some of those teachings will be useful. 

I would try to excel at sports, and some other extra curricular activities. That way, I would try to be a more versatile somebody. Well, it may or may not help me directly in the future. But hopefully, it would help shape my personality.

And then I would definitely like to bring back my old college days. Reflecting back, I would love to be more care free. And of course, learn a bit more. 

Contemplating Mind
It would be worthwhile to contemplate on whether I should go in for higher studies. Importantly, not only procrastinate, but actionise it equally well.

Most importantly, I would love to create relationships. And maybe mould relationships. And simply prevent them from getting lost in the sea of acquaintances.

How I wish I could  have asked some of those questions I didn't ask. And How I hope I could have buried some of the pondering questions in my deep, dark mind rather than letting them come out of my silly lips. 

I would have loved to ensure that somehow I don't end up possessing some bad qualities I own now. And I wish that I could possess some other good qualities I lack now.

My My, I have so many wishes. So many dreams. So many things I could have done differently. 

I have been silly at best, and how I wish I could simply rewind.

My heart sang a chime,
Can I rewind the time?
Chances of it were grim,
Wish God could realise my whim.

Can I change my past,
Recast my history vast?
Remould my life some,
It's simply impossible, I should fathom!!

Can I Rewind My Life? Oh No, I have just started.