Friday, July 22, 2011

Matchless Miss

You are a lady lovely,
Stylish and priceless,
With a aura starry,
You held me breathless.

I'm lucky that I met you,
I don't want to wish you adieu,
You are too good to be true,
Only if I could pursue you.

Your company is bliss,
Without you my life is amiss,
You are a Matchless Miss,
I give you a sweet soft kiss.

Matchless Miss - Ashley Greene
You are pure and white,
With you my life shines bright,
Only if we could unite,
For you this poetry I recite.

Parting with you is difficult,
Whether we will meet again is left to chance,
My mind is in a state of tumult,
You still hold me in a trance.

I wouldn't be your,
And you wouldn't be mine,
As I complete this memoir,
I pray, You will always shine.

Matchless Miss - Ashley Greene - She enamored me in Twilight
P.S. Once in a while you meet a Matchless Miss. You admire her, and she admires you. 

We meet, only to part, never to meet again.