Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Phone Booth

Some days are different, unique and very very fast. And today was one such day. My life today at work revolved around the phone.

In fact, the day almost started with a phone call - with a quickie 2 minute call at 1 AM in the morning.

Later, right from the starting the day at work at 9.30 AM to leaving my workplace at 9.15 in the evening, it was one marathon telephone call meeting after another. 

A quick calculation on the way home put the total numbers of hours invested in phone calls at 10. A perfect ten!!

This is apart from the small 2-3 minute calls attended over the second phone. Made me wonder about the last time when such a thing had happened. I fail to recollect such an instance. 

I wonder about this quote - “One good reason why computers can do more work than people is that they never have to stop and answer the phone”. And as I evaluate this intriguing thought, my phone rings - Tring Tring.