Thursday, July 14, 2011

mumble bumble~ mumbling bumbling~~

when i was 17teen... in my high school years i always wanted to be a fashion designer. hehe coz i really REALLY love to draw. especially clothes..dress..etc~

konon nyer this is me.haha

drawing was my everything back then. but then after i finished my (SPM examination) i took a step further.. actually, at that time i was kinda blur..
honestly i dont know which path should i took. which way..?? which direction...
which road..? where.. everything! i dont know what i really wanna be when im older..huhuu
pity me! grrr...

amazing kn.



urban look.

party tyme~

i bet some of you would feel the same..,
still blur to figure out our own future.huhuu
 coz at that time im still searching..... searching what's best for me, and what suits me.
so,i went for a foundation at UTM (universiti teknologi malaysia) situated at johor.
and now i end up taking major in chemistry at UTM!!
hahahahahaha i never ever....never thought that i will choose chemistry.
but then here i im, finishing my final years at UTM doing my degree~~~major in chemistry.
hahaha i always hate chemistry. always!
weird huh? thats y ppl said that,
future is something that we cant predict.
we will never know what's gonna happen. we will never know what will happen,
and we will never know..
so just choose wisely. take chances. take what's in front of you.
dont lose hope. just be strong. and insyaAllah everyhtings gonna be okay. :)

through years i've stayed at UTM, i realized that my passion is toward business..
i love to see how ppl manage to create such a big name. big company. huge trust on consumers.
and how successful they are. im impress! 
i hope one day i can be one of them...who create big name in market. not only within our country but international market. :)

i just remembered that now, i REALLY love chemistry. :)
it is fun. enjoyable and powerful.
chemistry + business = ???

p/s: ok, nak siap kn report. nyte ppl~