Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I overheard this conversation recently.

"I'm scared of asking."

"Really? Haven't you heard about that quote from The Bible - 'Ask, and it shall be given you; seek; and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. [Matthew 7:7-8]' "

"Well, I have heard about it. Yet there are a few things which make me apprehensive about asking".

"And what is that? Why is that??"

"Well, when you ask a question, you want an answer to something. Or you want something - for yourself or someone else. If you are just seeking some info, it's OK. But sometimes the info that you get in response to the question leaves you burdened. It results in disappointment!!"

"Is this so bad?"

"It can get worse. If you ask a question which would yield a yes or a no, an unfavorable response leaves you dejected."

"Yes, that's bad. I agree."

"If the answer is not favorable, and that happens again and again, it makes you feel that you are sinking. Makes you wonder whether it was worth asking the question. Makes you look like a fool."

I looked around to see who was discussing such a poignant matter. Surprisingly, no one was around. I looked sideways.  Once again no one. 

It was then it dawned upon me. I understood who was speaking aloud. 

It was my mind!!

Supported by a frowning face and drooping shoulders, I had just returned to be my normal self when I heard someone whisper, "Never Say, Never Again". This time I knew the voice.

It was my heart!!!