Wednesday, May 11, 2011

10 wishes.

wish. wish wish wish.. :) 
if you find my wishes are a bit nonsense, just bare with it. 
what else do we wish for? mesti lah crazy things kan?haha
things that are impossible for you to get... if possible but need a lot of effort to get, 
it is called goal. not wishes...

i hope my wishes come true....hehe :D

1. i wish i am beautiful and hot like SCARLETT JOHANSSON.

2. i wish i have magical power~~ 
ayin nak power yang boleh hilang kan diri (invisible woman)
and can hear peoples thought.haha
i always dream of that :D  hahahaha ( mngarut gileeee~ ! )

3.  i wish i am wealthy! banyak duit! berjuta-juta~~ so that i can buy audi a4, 
BMW 5 series, and mini cooper.
a mansion. and 
own many shopping complexes. >>> :D

4. i wish i can eat anything. everything and tak gemok2. tak naik berat!!!!!!

5. i wish i have one coffe shop just like starbuck. ~~ waaa nyummy!

6.  i also wish i had a bakery shop one day.. :)

7.  i wish i can travel all around the world!

8.  i wish i know how to scold people. how to get angry... cz that is my biggest weakness.
i have to learn how to "marah" huu  :(

9. hmmm.. mm~~ i wish i can meet wooyoung personally and become his good friend. :)

10.  i wish i know how to speak mandarin, japanese, korean, france, and arab~~arabic fluently.

mood: blank.
p/s : today i have many things to do. yossshhh