Monday, May 9, 2011

10 things i want to say to one person.

these are the things i should have said before but i was a bit shy~~~
hee :)  even till now, i still keep this inside me
cz i noe, LOVE is more than words.


1. whether how hard i try, i just cant erased u from my mind.

2. no matter how long, or how far it is... i will patiently wait for you...

3.  nothing else in this world is more important to me than u.

4. please........, stay close to me.

5. i'll die without u.

6.  i think about u every sec......every min.....every hours...every day!

7.  thanks for all the things u have done for me.

8.  i want u.

9.  i miss u.

10.  i love u dear....... :)