Thursday, May 5, 2011

10 things i hate.

top 10 rating...for the things i hate the most!hehee 

1.  i hate to be in crowd where theres a lot of people around and lots of noise~~ grr!  cant breath! =.="

2.  i hate when people curse or scold @ get angry 

3. i hate to get angry or to be mad.
so slalu nyer sy mmg xmara owg. xske n xkan!

4.  i hate hot days~~~ =.="

5.  i hate fish! hahahahaha sy xmkn ikan..maaf~
kecuali, ikan sardin n tuna jea kot..hee :)

6.  i hate when people driving around without using their brain! aisshh annoying~

7.  hate when people talks a lot.

8. sy paling benci sgt2 bile berat sy naek~~huhuuu :( soobbbbs``

9.  sy benci bile exam dah dekat@bile ade exam..

10.  hmm lg satu, sgt benci bile xtau nak pilih bj mne nak pkai bile kuar...!
omg. pyah kot nak pilih.. ~ grr!

mood: damn tired. cz i just arrived home from johor n tomorrow,
 im heading to my kampung at perlis.huhu :( penatt~~~~
p/s: i miss someone.....