Monday, October 11, 2010

things happen for a reason.

to my fellow friends out there,
 kalo kowg tga kesedihan sbb putus cinta or xjupe "the right guy"
here are some advise from me..
sumtimes Allah have planned. it is already written for us. 

we met with the wrong guy so that later,, we can be a good appraiser.

we met with the wrong guy so that we know, we are the only existing creatures and we really need help from Allah..

we met with the wrong guy so that we learn to be hurt, and to feel sad and be more mature..

we met with the wrong guy so that later,, we will finally find our true love.. that are really meant for us.

we will be stronger and can face any obstacles..

to all my friends out there yg tgah bersedih,, 
please, do not!
everything happen for a reason. if he/she really meant for you, then he/she will eventually come back. if he/she doesnt,, then he/she is not for you...
the world is a place for you to explore. fun. love..
dun missed a thing... sgt rugii!! enjoy your life to the fullest! hidup skali aja dehh~~