Sunday, October 31, 2010

kek chocolate indulgence.

smlm ayin dgn excited nyer,, telah berjaye buat.....
kek chcolate indulgence!!
mmg sgt sedap! simply sedapp..
omg. nk lagi....
lam peti ais ade la separuh, jap g nk go n grab it!!hehee
sedap3.. :) menjadi juge my kek kn..

naty lah...
skrg mls nk taip.
sbb da sgt bucuk nk g mandie.

sbb ayin ade a few tips from the recipe.
so malas nk copy paste.
naty ayin rewrite k..
kalo u guys nk buat that kek,,
tguuu k...
i got tips for u guys..
ok lah. i got to go.
i left u guys ngn gmbr kek indulgence tu k..
but this one bkn yg ayin buat, sbb yg buat smlm xsmpan nk tgkap gmbr..
ibu dah potong.huhuuu
xpela, nway same jea rupe die.
cme ayin ta boh topping pape la..hehee
ok2 nah tgk..
hahahaa sure trus lapa.

yg nie die buat petak. tp ayin buat bulat.. ayin ase bulat punye lg kiut la.. better amek loyang bulat :)