Monday, October 11, 2010

cerita stalker.

this one is not online stalker but the road stalker..
omg. i think this one is far way more scaryierrr than anything else kot!

last week, on 1st oktober 2010..
cm bese i was planning to go home. so as usually, i went to sri putri n bli tiket bus..
while i was waiting for the bus, suddenly...
theres one foreign guy, he was starring directly towards me.
ayin buat bodo je la kn, xkn nk sengeh kot.
then he said to me, ur henna is very beatiful... :)
i just smilee.......... :))
then tibe2 plak malang nyer nasib ayin, die nk g KL juga n were on the SAME BUS!
huuuu~ memula i was like,
ok.ok..die friendly,,xpe.. :)
then lam bus, he was like trying his best to seat next to me..he was following behind me.
n i was like, whats wrong with him????!
tp xpela..ayin dduk jela..kat krusi single.

at bukit jalil.....
ayin turun bus n he followed me..huuu
jantung ayin cm nk gugur jea ok!!
pastu sampai stesen LRT, die tego..
where are u heading? are u going to take the LRT too?
then i replied..
mm ya, im taking this LRT. <<<<<< ayt mlas nk jwb.....
where are you heading?
mm KL sentral.
ouh, it is..? <<< die uat mke excited :D  i was heading there too. im waiting for my fren to pick me up there..
n.. i was like! damn!!!
after a while..time tga bratur nk bli tiket,,
bole x,, die blikn tiket kat ayin!
uhuuuuu~~ ayin tanak tp die dah blikn dah..
sengal ok!
pastu die asek ikot jea mne ayin g... ayin nek ats die pon naek..
ayin duk tpi signboard die pon ikot.
i was like,, nape mmt nieh??!! grrr~~
die ciap kenalkn name die lg ok.
mcm2 dite lah die cite kat ayin 
n i was..
ooo,, it is,,, :)  <<< mke terpkse!
pastu, ayin decide to run away from him. so bile sampai jea kat masjid jamek ayin pon lari ah laju2 then singgah O'briens bli coffee, ngidam la plakkk..hehee
after 10 minutes bwu ayin jln.. i thought ayin da lepas la dri mmg scary tuh but tbe2..
muncul plak mke die~~~~ alamakk!!
dri jaoh dri pggil kot..huwaaaaa~~
malang nyerr~~~ :( :(
terpkse la ayin tgk mke die lagi time nk nek train g kl sentral..
then bile da smpai kl sentral,,
he said....
he wanna get to know me more..
he said he is single. 35 years old. he is doing phd.
he really wants to get to know me more..
he want to have my number so that we can contact more often,,

hahahahahhaaha :D
im like, omg what should i say???
then i smile..... :)
i said,,
soryy.. i already have boyfriend...
mke die bertuka~~
huu~ nmpk sedih cm berlakon jea kot.haha
then he want my fb account..

i reply..
im so sorryy.. my boyfriend will be mad.
he dun like seeing other guys near me.. <<<<< acecehh ayt kover!! :D

then, dgn mke sdih nyr.. die pon pergi.....huhuuu~

p/s: im sorry.. im not interested in any foreign guy. lelaki melayu lagi menarik hati sy!! :D