Sunday, July 26, 2009

Fever xx
Beside me sits a box of tissues instead , my gown is a duvet, my tiara is a hair tie, my gourmet food is chocolate and soup, not caviar, my heels are slippers, my fever not caused by that perfect handbag but by,

Swine flu, yes swine flu has decided to pick moi to grace its appearance and oh how lucky am i. " i got chills, they're multipling" a la grease, or sometimes " When you put your arms around me, i get a fever that's so hard to bear"

Ok enough with lyrics, im glad you all loved the 100th post xx

I may have, or not done a little online shopping, i blame the fever, and the top was a in the sale, and it felt a little lonely in my basket, so a floral highwaisted skirt with its partner a yellow button tank designed to tucked into it, but the top was still a little lonely so how could i resist when two little headbands, white and black chain a la the chanel straps wanted to be friends.

See i was just being nice to the top, and now he has buddies to travel with.

Sadly moi's shopping craving hasn't stopped there, fortunately i have resisted temptation. im craving yellow nail polish, covergirl's lashblast mascara, essie polish in the strangest colours, pink! I havent wanted pink polish since well, ages, chocolate brown hair , the iphone, this should be mine finally this month! the cutest ballet pumps on earth.

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Kc xxx