Friday, July 31, 2009

A Mother Of All Comeback's

Comeback - A return to formerly enjoyed status or prosperity!!

Well, Michael Schumacher - one of the best known F1 driver and 7 time F1 champion is scheduled to make a grand comeback in 3 weeks time - to F1 racing!! This is a dream come true for all racing fans !!

He will be replacing the injured Felipa Massa (who hurt his skull in qualifying at Hungary) and will be driving for his former team - Ferrari.
This will certainly be a joyous moment for all racing fans - with many exciting persona's in the contest. Schumi will be racing together with his former competitor Kimi Raikkonen. Lewis Hamilton, the current F1 champ will be competing with Schumi for the honors - for the first time. And Alonso and his team Renault might try to come back to form again against their fierce competitor - Schumi again. And needless to say, the current championship leaders - Button, Barrichello and Brawn Racing will have to improve their performance up several notches.

The race in Valencia will be a spectator's delight - and who knows - we might see Michael on the podium on 23rd August, 2009 !!

Check Schumi's driving skills below... he was the best driver in rains!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Formula 1 - 2008 - Last Lap

Lewis Hamilton lost the F1 2007 championship by a single point to Kimi Raikkonen of Ferrari.

Well, the same would have happened in 2008!!

But in one of the most thrilling end to a F1 championship - Lewis Hamilton beat Felipe Massa by a single point - on the last lap of the Brazilian GP.

The finish was so close that the family of Massa started celebrating his victory after he won the Brazilian GP while Hamilton was in a race position wherein he would have finished second in the championship!!

But as luck would have it - Lewis overtook the guy ahead of him on the last turn - and became the champion!!

Check the most exciting moments and the last lap of the 2008 championship below.

It was a heart break moment for Felipe Massa and Ferrari, while for Lewis's family and girlfriend Nicole Scherzinger - it was an escatic moment!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Formula 1 2009 - Mid Season Update

The 2009 Formula 1 racing season is mid-way.

The Hungarian GP completed today, and last year's champion - Lewis Hamilton - won his first race of the season today. No one would have anticipated this at the end of the last season!!

Well, here's a summary of the updates for the 2009 season till date.

Rule Changes - F1 racing saw a whole lot of rule changes this season. Some key changes were
- Testing was banned during the season. This has had a tremendous impact on the improvements which the teams used to manage mid-season.
- Slick tires made a comeback. This managed to boost the speed of the machines.
- Teams could deploy KERS on their cars - to boost their speed.
- Aerodynamics.

Check all Rule Changes here.

Here's a low down the F1 2009 car ( Courtesy - The Telegraph, UK )

Check the F1 2009 car

One thing that raked up major controversy at the start of the season was the diffuser - a small piece of equipment used at the back of the car used to improve speed.

Brawn Racing (ex Honda) used this diffuser to the best of their advantage. Their cars proved to be much superiors than the traditional power houses - Mercedes and Ferrari.

Needless to say, a Brawn driver - Jenson Button - is leading the driver's table.

And his team is leading the constructor's championship!!

It has been a disappointing season for all the Ferrari fans - me being one. However, i hope that these guys make a stylish comeback in the later half of the season and give Brawn Racing a run for their money.

Check out the Race Videos here

But one things sure - we will have a new F1 champion this year. Whether it will be Button, Webber, Vettel or Barrichello - only time will tell!!

Hope Ferrari makes a comeback next season!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Visual Deceipt

A picture is worth a thousand words!!

What it essentially means is that a picture can convey some information which would otherwise have taken a lot of words to do so!!

But here's one case - where pictures can deceive!!

Newspapers across the world splashed a photo of Barack Obama - recently on a summit in Europe - appreciating a lady!! ( Putting it in the most decent way )

One picture - And people were already comparing him to Bill Clinton!!

Then came an video - to save Barack Obama's image!!

This was one funny moment of confusion and Obama's wife surely would have had some tense moment before she saw video!!

While Obama was cleared, Sarkozy must have got some bashing from his wife Carla Bruni!!


An item on my wish-list - to visit Europe :)

Fever xx
Beside me sits a box of tissues instead , my gown is a duvet, my tiara is a hair tie, my gourmet food is chocolate and soup, not caviar, my heels are slippers, my fever not caused by that perfect handbag but by,

Swine flu, yes swine flu has decided to pick moi to grace its appearance and oh how lucky am i. " i got chills, they're multipling" a la grease, or sometimes " When you put your arms around me, i get a fever that's so hard to bear"

Ok enough with lyrics, im glad you all loved the 100th post xx

I may have, or not done a little online shopping, i blame the fever, and the top was a in the sale, and it felt a little lonely in my basket, so a floral highwaisted skirt with its partner a yellow button tank designed to tucked into it, but the top was still a little lonely so how could i resist when two little headbands, white and black chain a la the chanel straps wanted to be friends.

See i was just being nice to the top, and now he has buddies to travel with.

Sadly moi's shopping craving hasn't stopped there, fortunately i have resisted temptation. im craving yellow nail polish, covergirl's lashblast mascara, essie polish in the strangest colours, pink! I havent wanted pink polish since well, ages, chocolate brown hair , the iphone, this should be mine finally this month! the cutest ballet pumps on earth.

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Kc xxx

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Formula 1 - The Risks

A drive in a Formula 1 Car is a thrilling proposition - its simply not possible to overlook the risk associated with high speed driving.

Brazilian driver Felipa Massa suffered a high speed crash today during a qualifying session at the Hunagian GP. He is fighting for his life :(

We pray for for his quick recovery!!

Here's what happened in Hungary

Also check another high speed crash - the worst i have seen in F1 - Robert Kubica in the Canadian GP in 2007!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

22 July 2009 - Solar Eclipse in Pics

A few pictures of the rare celestial event - the Total Solar Eclipse - which occurred on 22nd July 2009.

The Eclipse begins!!
The Sun hides a bit more!!
Is it the moon or the sun??
The diamond ring - A moment before the Total Solar Eclipse!! A magnificent sight!!
The Total Solar Eclipse!! Three objects - being in a straight line - had never had such a profound impact!!
The descent begins!! And seen is the Baily's Bead!!
The Diamond ring!! - from some other part of the world!!

All pictures apart from the last are as seen in the Indian city of Varanasi.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

100th post!!

Smile, its my 100th post lovelies. 100th posts, with each post you getting to know me better.

Time to get to good stuff, My room tour! my room was a little messy as you can see
1. i have a cold! so if i sound stuffy sorry
2. Video wont be up for long, maybe a few days sorry!


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1. Blair from gossip girl and vanessa hudgens are my style icons! Who else is excited for season 2 box set of gg?

2. Im obsessed with twilight, So much so i have twilight poster hanging in my room usually. Also i must confess i did by mac's wedge eyeshadow because bella wears it, also on my list is mac girlie which she also wears!

3. I love the smell of hollister!

4. I am not how you say, the person who should take off two pieces of accesories as you walk out the door, more infact i should put them on! However this ring makes my heart flutter, the white one! On my must buy before back to school, its by korcula and retails for $30!

5. I love cooking, infact i just made ravoli with basil and cream sauce, bacon, onions and tomatoes, sounds good!

6. Im dying my hair back to its natural colour, but a little darker think, blair waldorf, vanessa hudgens and bella from twilight, for winter! Im also thinking of getting a blunt fringe?

Kisses xx, KC

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009

Saving Apollo11

Great acts are made up of small deeds!!

And a small boy, 40 years ago, helped fix an antenna - which ensured that the Space Vehicle carrying astronauts from the Apollo 11 mission landed successfully.

Read an article on what happened on 23rd July 1969.

The presence of mind of Charles Force, with useful help from Greg Force, help the space shuttle land successfully - earning appreciation from Neil Armstrong and team!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Eagle Had Landed

Well, it's been 40 years - since man first landed on the moon!!

It was on 16th July 1969 that the Apollo 11 mission took off for the moon. 

After 4 days, on 20th July 1969 - Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin - landed on the moon's surface - fulfilling JFK's dream of having a man on the moon before 1970.

Apollo 11 Insignia

When the lunar module - Eagle - landed on the moon, Armstrong said those famous words - "Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed.". These words - since then - have gone on to reflect success of various missions!!

As Armstrong descended on the moon's surface - to become the first human on the moon - he said - and this has been widely quoted and recollected - "One small step for Man, One giant leap for Mankind."

NASA is celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the moon landings

You can access the videos and tapes from the Apollo 11 mission on the NASA site

Well, these guys must be missing being on the moon!!

On the Moon!!

Tips for Bloggers

A few sites to help bloggers - blog effectively!!

Total Solar Eclipse - 22 July 2009

A Total Solar Eclipse is scheduled to occur on the 22nd July, 2009 - and this will be the longest total solar eclipse of the 21st century. It will not be surpassed in its duration until the solar eclipse 13th June, 2132 - thats almost 123 years down the line!!

A once if a life time moment for most of us !!

A graphical depiction of what happens in a solar eclipse is shown above.

The moon passes between the sun and the earth, casting a shadow on the earth's surface and covering the sun partially or completely - resulting in an eclipse.

Details Here

Here's what's gonna occur -

Total Solar Eclipse 22 July 2009 Path

Check up these sites for additional details
Nasa - 22 July 2009

And check up a dazzling pic of an earlier total solar eclipse!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

99 posts sitting on the wall

Yup this is 99th post, crazy right! I promise a fab 100th post! an insight into my life, fun facts and pic and maybe a room tour if i can be bothered to sort through my mountain of clothes haha

So i have haul for you guys, as you may or may not know that mac has a system, if you have 6 empties,yes even depotted eye shadows girlie's! You get a free lipstick, sometimes even an eyeshadow its called back to mac!
Todays small haul,

Mac's naked honey perfume, smells so good, like honeysuckle and floral with out the masculitysmell i find you often get.

Mac Wedge eyeshadow, ok i confess i only bought this because this is what they use on kristen stewart in twilight.

Mac Hue lipstick, free! boyaahh i love back to mac!, its a peachy pink.

Lush's honey i washed the kids, Ok so my first Lush item, the smell of the shop makes me want to puke but it smells soo good, im obsessed with honey scented stuff.

Land of women, arrived in the post this morning, ive been wanting this for ages. With Adam brody and Kristen stewart and meg ryan, i couldn't resist.

Now onto a fun part

Whats in my bag?

well my bag is an Louis vuitton speedy 30 and i carry alot of crap in my bag! This picture is without the empty chocolate bar wrappers, receipts and random rubbish

It contains

Naked honey perfume
Rayban Aviators, vintage from the first time they came around, i stole them of my dad haha
Nail polishes
Medicine - allergy meds
Compact mirror

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

BBcouture Nail polish review

BBcouture Nail polish review

So this past week Ive been reviewing something you all know i love, nail polish!!! BBcouture contacted me to do a review on their polishes, which i was thrilled to do. I've been testing out wear and tear, application etc. Their nail polishes contain no Toluene, Formaldehyde and DBP, which is something i look in nail polishes, girls look out for old OPI and some drugstore brands which will contain these! A honest review...

After taking forever to pick 4 colours of my choice, i chose from left to right, Balboa beach bunny, Sea of cortez, Zuma wave rider and Laguna lagoon.

Wear and Tear
These polishes don't need a base coat or topcoat, personally i prefer using a basecoat/topcoat. But for the purpose of the review i wore the polish alone. These for me, last alot longer compared to OPI and most of my nail polishes, which chip within one or two days!! The polish started to chip slightly after 3 days which is good on my nails! It also contains a nail strengthener/hardener and my nails definitely feel stronger than before!

Creme based polishes

Zuma wave rider, is my favourite out of bunch, its perfect application and creaminess. I love how simple and pretty it looks. The polish is creme based and i used 3 applications like most nail polishes, which gives it an all over even look and really just finishes it off! The colour is a light light almost cornflower in tone with a hint of dove grey

Laguna Lagoon
, is well my least favourite out of the bunch for a few reasons. One its application is a difficult child compared zuma wave rider, it tends to drag at the nail bed until the 3rd coat. The colour is a mint pastel green which does look a little glow in the dark on me! however it doesn't on my sister!
Jelly Base polishes

Sea of cortez, well i refer to this as the mermaid polish, it really is a mermaid blue with glitter! This and zuma wave rider are my faves of the bunch. I love this polish for a number of reasons , the polish is a jelly which is one of my favourite along with creme to work with. I also love the high glitter content is simply stunning, little flecks of green.

Balboa beach bunny, this little number was a pain to get a picture. Its dark grape, with a high sheen and slight glitter. With this polish i only needed 2 coats like recommended, but 3 coats really makes it special. Like the Sea of cortez, its jelly like substance, applies flawlessly like the others.

I love these nail polishes!! if you couldn't tell, i prefer the formula of bbcouture's polishes over OPI, due to the longer lasting. now if only bbcouture could bring out a banana coloured polish, a bubblegum pink and orangesicle polish i would be in heaven!!

Check out their blogs

and to buy their polish