Wednesday, June 29, 2011

what is whipping cream?

budak comel. nie tnye ayin what is whipping cream..
i guess maybe ramai gak owg yg x familiar ngn whipping cream so,
i put this entry..
cz seriously when the first time i found the 'whiiping cream' word i was like....ok, ape tu..huhuu agk blurr laa.. n then trus google.haha tp agak xbrape membantu sbb u will never noe until u try gne.. n tgk that thing in real kn.
kwn2.. let me tell u a bit about the whipping cream story :)

 Things you need.

1. whipping cream. (u can find this in ur nearest supermarket like giant, coldstorage, etc..)
2. A bowl (metal is preferred for chilling, but you can also use a glass bowl)
3. An electric hand mixer, or a wire whisk

Three simple steps to make whipped cream :

1. Start by chilling the cream, the bowl and the beaters or whisk in the freezer for 10 to 20 minutes.
2. Pour one cup of whipping cream into the bowl.
Beat until it holds soft peaks. Soft peaks should fold over when the beaters or whisk are lifted.
If using an electric mixer, start on medium speed to prevent splattering, then speed up. But dear REMEMBER, do not over beat or else it to turn buttery.
3. Once soft peaks start to form, you can add sugar (one or two tablespoons), and any other flavorings you like. Beat again until soft peaks form. :)


add sugar..

add vanila extract..

Add caption

then there u are. ur whipped cream is all done. :)