Sunday, June 19, 2011

One Two Three

Blogging is an interesting experience. It allows you to give air to your views and thoughts, ideas and opinions - on just about every topic under the sun. And importantly, you can hide reality in the realm of fiction.

By God's grace, today, I am writing my 300th blog post. :-)

From starting my blog in October 2007, to completing 200 posts in October 2010, this journey to 300 blog posts has been exciting and fun filled. 

Off late, one thought has been running though my mind - We are, what we are, because of our experience. 

And sharing these experiences, reflecting on them, understanding their finer points have helped me to grow. Life has provided an opportunity to meet wonderful people, experience interesting and difficult moments, and feel different and varied emotions. All of these have made their way into my humble blog.

It would be worthwhile to have a look at some of the interesting blog posts penned down in the last 8 months. I am myself surprised to know that I had written those words.

She came. She saw. She conquered. Who Was She?? . She was a little innocent girl who captured my heart. She was someone who I hadn't met in real. 

Another little girl, just 6 months of age, captured my thoughts - to strike a chord Between Her and Me. It would be worthwhile to note that I had met her for just about 3 hours - and for most practical purposes, would not be seeing her again - for the rest of my life.

The last post on little children which was close to my heart was - Save The Girl Child. The recent census in India has revealed a declining child sex ratio and important steps need to be taken to prevent foeticide.

Moving on from graver matters to some nice music which caught my attention. Don't You Want Me Baby was not a cheesy pickup line but an interesting song from the 1980's which caught my attention.

Sports too found its way. And turned out to be huge traffic pullers - especially after India won the ICC Cricket World Cup 2011.

The world witnessed some interesting political moments and movements. The release of Aung San Suu Kyi in Vietnam to the liberation movements in the Arab World to Operation Odyssey Dawn found its way into the Political category.

Surprisingly, I took to writing poetry. I'm not sure about the quality of the output. However, they all are close to my heart.

Dark poetry too figured in it. Dark Times, Stabbed and Outcast were some thoughts right from deep within.

Life is always lived in black and white, and in color too. Such moments too were reflected - surprisingly through the eyes of a Two Tigress.

And then there were offbeat topics - like Two, The Vowel Brigade and Affection.

A blog post on Hair Color - was a major traffic spinner - given the need to sport a different hair color and style in these changing days.

Choosing is not always easy. And it is better to stop here itself. But you can always go back to the archives to read more.

All in all, it has been a pleasant experience in giving words to my deepest thoughts, and worldly and not-so-worldly experiences. And I pray to God Almighty to help me in writing.

Keep visiting. Share your feedback and opinion. Finally, it is for you - the reader - whom I am writing.