Friday, June 17, 2011

The First Rains

Walking through the first rains is always a pleasant experience, something which we have cherished and will admire for ages.


The earth sizzled,
The air simmered.
The heat rattled,
Everything around smoldered.

The water dried,
Leaving the earth parched.
The leaves died,
As the summer onward marched.

One fine day fair,
The winds started to blow.
Calmed down the air,
Someone was saying hello.

I thought it would rain,
To wash away the pain.
Only it did abstain,
Skilfully it did feign.

One calm evening,
When everything seemed timeless,
It was a blessing,
To experience a drizzle temptress.

The wet land,
The soaked grass,
God's design grand,
I experienced it alas.

I walked through the rainfall,   
Got myself a bit drenched.
It didn't fail to enthrall,
My thirst had finally quenched.