Wednesday, June 1, 2011

10 items i cant live without.

ok it been awhile i x update my blog..
huhuu kinda bz and tired with my intern and weekend...i hangout.haha
ok now, i want to continue with my unfinished 10 things~~

10 items i cant live without.

1. my phone!!!! cant live without it.. i'll go crazy ok.

2. my laptop~~ sbb byk document in there..huhu

3. my eyeliner. since i had small asian chinese japanese type eyes so eyeliner is very helpful and the MUST have things in my handbag! :)

4.  my compact powder~ :D kne la touch up here and there..hee :)

5. my lens. my dear colorful contact lens :)

6. my lens solution laa.. xkn pkai contact lens xde solution die kot...huhuu its a must!

7.  my dear bobo bear2~~ :) 
<3 my syg kasi. suke2 :D

8. my dear jam comel~
<3 my syg kasi jugak.hehe sgt suke!

9. sy tak boleh hihup tanpa makanan!!! hahahaha :D

10. and lastly.. i cant live without money,,,,, LOVE money~hehe

p/s: working and working. bosan. huuu