Wednesday, March 23, 2011

twinscraftlife 1st lucky draw

want to feel the most exciting and kyaa~~ moment??
please click here :) :)  >>> twinscraftlife

ok guys..
listen here. u must visit this blog.. i said.. MUST!
believe me it will make u go kyyaaaa~~kyaa~~ when viewing this blog.hehee :D
here u can find many cute and useful stuff.
very rare stuff ok.
rare.functional and cute!
u cant find this cute2 stuff at your nearest shop or even at any other shop..
ok jum tgk a few of cute stuff yg u guys bole jupe kat blog tu..

bookmark yg comel~

tmpt letak kunci supaye x ilang~

bunny comel

hunny bunny~

tag name. in KOREAN letters !!
pouch comell

do visit this blog. sgt tak rugi okay!
theres lots of cute stuff. plus it is all HANDMADE!! :) :)
click here please.. :)  twinscraftlife