Friday, March 18, 2011

my first experience admitted to the hospital.

talking about hospital im sure you guys feel scared.....ryte???
if its not for you, it is for me!hahaa i do scared when people say they are at the matter what kind or what type of diseases,, i still feel scared.hehee :p

ok. since i was born, i dont have any memory of being admitted to the hospital..
although i noe when i was born i actually BEEN the ward. inside the hospital but then since at that time i was too young and too naive to remember anything so i consider i never been admitted to the hospital. :)
now, for the first time in my life.
i have been admitted to the hospital.
viral fever.
i had a fever for a few days and i had headache and a few symptoms which kinda serious.
which hospital?
kpj puteri specialist johor.

how do i feel?
believe me.
being in the hospital in not good!!
the food is very nice.
the doc is friendly.
all the nurses were kind.
but then the feeling of being inside the hospital is killing me!
huhuuuuuu seriously.
the number one thing i hate about is that i have to be injected with so many kind of needles..
grr, sy tak sukeee... saket sgt2..
jarum amek darah.
jarum tmbah air lam bdan. 
ok this one is the worst, sbb this one is really truly menyakitkn tgn n lengan..grr :(

the end of the story..
im really glad im ok now. i feels better and im home now.. :)
this feels better. no more hospital. no more needles please.... :))