Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bobbi Brown Lipstick review

Hi dolls

I've been busy busy, excuses i know! But you may notice on the sidebar that Apothica are sponsoring me, which is fab! In fact i shall be hosting a giveaway soon sponsored by them. I recently received a Bobbi Brown lipstick in the shade red, you all know that i think Bobbi Brown is highly under rated as it's amazing quality and neutral shades.

It goes on like a dream, the shade is more on the berry tone rather than orange. It does make your lips look white which is a bonus considering that the wrong shade can make your teeth rather yellow ick! Sadly the formula is matte and slightly drying but that is quite normal with red lipsticks. I cannot wait to wear this on my next night out.

* I received this lipstick from Apothica but the shade/item was my choice.