Thursday, February 24, 2011

pesta layang layang pasir gudang

 last sunday i went to pasir gudang with my friends..
there was a festival there. international kite festival i guess..
i dun remember the event but seriusly, there are tons of people coming,
from all sort of state and from all over the world.
there are also participant from thailand, korea, japan, UK, indonesia, and lots more..
 the most exciting part is that u are able to see many kinds of kite.
many shapes..interesting shapes ok!

when i was there, i was like..
OMG! this is great. all of the layang2 was so nice in color. nice bright, pastel color. wonderful! :)
im so impress with all the kites..
ok, now i'll let you guys see, what i saw at the event......
enjoy! :)

variation of layang2....

cuttlefish n the big stingray flying in the air~ haha
theres also participant from other countries..

this is the biggest layang2 i've ever seen in my whole life! 

nice color..

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the longest kite ever!

p/s: next year ade lg x? nak pegy lagii,,, :)