Friday, February 18, 2011

he is sizzling hot!

i bet some of you have seen his pretty face before..., or maybe you guys might have been one of his crazy FANS!!!
hahaha this is not thing to be weird of because HE IS PRETTY!
even he looks more pretty than the most prettiest girl i have known!

since when did i started to likeLOVEadore him??
hahahaha just recently~ because last few days i;ve watched korean movie called "dating on earth"
when i look at the title, it doesnt really excites me but then after a few minutes of watching and observing the whole movie, i catch the BEST part of this movie.........
the best part is when it features KIM JAEJOONG!!!!!
damn seriusly. he is SIZZLING HOT POT!!
just by looking at his pics u will flown away high up the sky~~~~~~~~~ lalalallaaaaa

ok, lets see how hot he really is!


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soo cute~

hot n sexy!

may i be your girlfriend??