Friday, February 11, 2011

i had flu. i want to study.

when was d last tyme i had flu????
ok, last month i guess.. not just flu,, but demam sekali ok!!
antibody lemah??????
hmmm i guess so... 2011 is my sick year.huhu
today, and yesterday, i had flu..

main reason : sbb sy kemas2 ubah prabot lam bilik.
tujuan : nak dptkn mood study.hehehehe

since i have been here at utm for almost a month~~~~ but i barely learn NOTHING!!
hahahaaaa silly me! gilew kan,
tp nie reality.
sile percaye.
i was like too doing nothing.
go to class.mkn.tdo.balek umah.
mood belum dtg,hee it cost me a month to actually set things up and find my mood. :)

ok now, i wont be updating my blog regularly because of the internet connection that is so damn slow~~ and because i have finally find my mood to study.hehee
till then, take care :)