Saturday, April 24, 2010

Woman on Top

Well, does that get you thinking about Penelope Cruz, the Spanish actress who starred in a movie with the same name?

Well, you got me wrong.

I'm talking about women who have reached the top - the pinnacle - of the respective areas their of expertise!!
Guess, what got me thinking about them?

It was Sunanda Pushkar's statement today expressing her views about the IPL fiasco - which started with the "free sweat equity" being granted to her in the Kochi IPL franchisee.

This resulted in the resignation of "Junior" Minister for External Affairs in India, Shashi Tharoor, and a nationwide investigation into the franchisees of the IPL!! Sunanda claimed that the equity was rightfully hers, and she had earned it with her skill and expertise. She claimed to be a management and branding expert with years of experience.

But this is what the media thought about her - in her own words:
Sunanda said, "I have always been proud that I have made it alone — on my own terms — in a man's world. And here, in one minute, without bothering to find out any facts the media just turned me into a sl**, into some kind of brainless eye candy! I don't know why people find it so hard to understand this."

If Sunanda has expressed these thoughts from her heart without any falsified facts, then people might consider her to be a talented lady - whom the media got all wrong.

Well, she can draw some inspiration from the US Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin. 
People considered her to be a dumb bimbette when she said that Africa is a country. But now she is going so strong in the US political space that some people consider her to Obama's strongest competitor in the 2012 Presidential elections!!

Another lady who comes to my mind is Carly Fiorina.
Fiorina was the CEO of Hewlett-Packard for about 6 years. This earned her the distinction of being the first woman CEO of a Fortune 20 company - a historical achievement in itself!!

Sharing space with these ladies is J K Rowling, the creator of the all famous Harry Potter. 
She has written the exciting series of the Harry Potter, becoming one of the most read and most famous authors of recent times. And her net worth is close to 1 Billion US $.

If these new age women have earned a space on the pedestal with their skills, Royal Ladies have been on the top - literally - for ages, just because of their lineage. Queen Elizabeth 2 has "ruled" Britain for many decades. 

But the face of royalty is also changing. 
You have HM Queen Rania of Jordan. She is involved in a host of social causes and is making the best use of her Royal Status for the benefit of the people.

Next come our Sports Stars. Maria Sharapova comes to my mind.

She is a super star tennis player. And a super model. And a brand ambassador. And a face that has launched many a products. And she is all of 23 years.

Last but not the least is Megan Fox. Megan is just a year older than Maria but she is equally famous.
Her claim to fame? It was Transformers.

It seems all these gals, ladies and women have excelled in their domains. And they could easily give any guy a run for their money.