Sunday, April 11, 2010

Kiel James Patrick!

Im super excited to show you guys these products by

I truly believe in them. I was on twitter and mentioned to the designer how much i liked his products and how i was going to purchase one of his items! To my suprisal, he amazingly offered to send me a selection of his products for me to review!

Everything is Rhode Island, down to the material, handcraft and buttons, keeping that american brand! Kiel even lists on his website, where everything comes from, down to buttons and materials. The idea came from his summers where he would make a Turk's head knot rope bracelet and then sadly have to cut them off at the end of summer. However he decided to develop the idea a few years later, so it is fastened with their signature button, so that you'll never need to cut that bracelet off again!

When i opened the parcel, I found these amazing products and that they all smell SO good!

I received;

Crystal Carey Bliss Bracelet ( Cape and Brighton Beach), I adore the bracelet, it seems to go with everything. Infact i have hardly taken it off since! The button colour is yellow, which i would describe as mustardy. On the website you get to choose which button colour you would like. The material is gorgeous and really high quality, so you definitley get what you pay for with this brand! I cant stress how much i really do love this bracelet Link to Crystal Carey Bliss bracelet ! They retail for $35

Hoffy Dug Warner earrings, these are seriously cute! I would never think to pick these out for me, but they are adorable! I wear mine frequently. How cute is the packaging too! The quality on these are amazing due to being made of 100% custom woven silk. I could definitely see these being perfect present for someone! A pair retails for $28 Click to buy!!

Vicki Jerangle Carrick Headband, is similar style to the rope knot bracelet's. It gives a real classical feel to any outfit and is perfect for sweeping your hair back whilst still looking chic. I really do love this item and can see it looking great on everyone! The headband retails for $34 Click to buy !

This brand is really something special, the products have such an amazing quality and uniqueness about them. Easily becoming a signature item for yourself, i already have my eye on these products for my birthday! I think it shall become an addiction uh oh!

Mariner & Cap Poge Bay bracelet with either the brass or pink button.

Selvenex Anchorage Earrings!

East Matunuck Beach bracelet

Check it out at