Friday, April 30, 2010

Trust Deficit

A new phrase - Trust Deficit - coined by Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri, the ex Foreign Minister of Pakistan, can go onto become one of the most important words used in relationships.

Whats Trust?

It has several meanings. I would choose - to believe, to have confidence

Whats Deficit?

Once again - as with all English words - it has several meanings. I would choose - a lack or shortage

A Trust Deficit is nothing but a lack of confidence or a shortage of belief!!

On the sidelines of the meeting between the Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh and the Pakistani Prime Minister Mr. Yousuf Gilani, this is what Mr. Kasuri had to say :

The biggest problem between Pakistan and India currently is the absence of trust. Anything that addresses this trust deficit is, therefore, helpful.

Read more here.

Addressing this "Trust Deficit" would need significant amount of effort from both India and Pakistan if both of them are interested in the peaceful resolution of the bilateral thorny issues. I just hope that we would succeed!!