Saturday, March 21, 2009


Bonjour my readers!

Finally woke from your sleep? Whooped in the fact its saturday? Made yourself a nice mug of coffee and some pancakes to match? Are planning a night out? Plan or have bought armfulls of items today? Opened a window and smelled the fresh air?

If you have done at least two of these things, well done! Saturdays are the days of pampering, having fun, its a day of thanking the fact its not a work or school day. Its a day for wearing those favourite sweats or that favourite outfit!

How do you treat yourself on a saturday?

Make yourself that calorie loaded forbidden breakfast

Open a window in your room and smell the fresh air

Tidy your bedroom up so its creates a calm and peaceful space

Save up those favourite programs which you tivo'ed or Sky + 'ed and watch them all at once ( 90210, Gossip girl, your soaps)

Wear those shameful comfy items which are so worn they look bad because you dont care!

Make an imaginary wishlist on polyvore and gawk at the gorgeous things

Smile! and read that old magazine you love

Shop Shop Shop!!
